Baseball | Boys Lacrosse | Girls Lacrosse | Softball

DateEventTime/ResultsLeagueSeasonVenueArticleMatch Day
Friends' Central vs. Haverford SchoolFriends School League, Inter-Academic League2016
Friends’ Central vs Penn CharterFriends School League, Inter-Academic League2016
Penn Charter
Springside Chestnut Hill vs Father JudgeCatholic League, Inter-Academic League2016
Father Judge
Haverford School vs Perkiomen SchoolInter-Academic League, Tri-County League2016
Perkiomen School
St. Peter’s Prep vs St. Joseph's PrepCatholic League2016
La Salle College Prep
Friends’ Central vs Barrack Hebrew AcademyFriends School League2016
Barrack Hebrew Academy
North Pocono High vs Germantown FriendsFriends School League2016
Germantown Friends
Friends’ Central vs Episcopal AcademyFriends School League, Inter-Academic League2016
Episcopal Academy
Council Rock North vs North HunterdonSuburban One League2016
Plymouth-Whitemarsh vs D’Evelyn (Colo.)Suburban One League2016
Plymouth-Whitemarsh vs Briarcliff (N.Y.)Suburban One League2016
Phoenixville vs Great ValleyChes-Mont League, Pioneer Athletic Conference2016
Great Valley
Brooke vs Hatboro-HorshamSuburban One League2016
Garnet Valley vs West Chester HendersonChes-Mont League2016
West Chester Henderson
Haverford vs KennettCentral League, Ches-Mont League2016
Lower Merion vs Upper MerionCentral League, Suburban One League2016
Upper Merion
Penncrest vs ChichesterCentral League, Del-Val League2016
Norristown vs BensalemSuburban One League2016
Brooke vs Hatboro-HorshamSuburban One League2016
Neshaminy vs Central Bucks SouthSuburban One League2016
Central Bucks South
Quakertown vs William TennentSuburban One League2016
William Tennent
Abington vs WissahickonSuburban One League2016
Exeter vs Manheim TownshipBerks Conference2016
Manheim Township
Marple Newtown vs Haverford SchoolCentral League, Inter-Academic League2016
Haverford School
Pennridge vs PalisadesSuburban One League2016
Germantown Academy vs Perkiomen SchoolInter-Academic League2016
Perkiomen School
Reading vs JP McCaskeyBerks Conference2016
JP McCaskey
Liberty vs WilsonBerks Conference2016
Oley Valley vs Berks CatholicBerks Conference2016
Berks Catholic
Perkiomen School vs Germantown AcademyInter-Academic League, Tri-County League2016
Perkiomen School
William Allen vs ReadingBerks Conference2016
Hatboro-Horsham vs Spring-FordPioneer Athletic Conference, Suburban One League2016
Soddy-Daisy vs North PennSuburban One League2016
Bearden vs North PennSuburban One League2016
Spring-Ford vs Buffalo GrovePioneer Athletic Conference2016
Upper Moreland vs. New RochelleSuburban One League2016
Bensalem vs Penn WoodDel-Val League, Suburban One League2016
Penn Wood
Ooltewah vs North PennSuburban One League2016
St. Joseph’s Prep vs Malvern PrepInter-Academic League2016
Malvern Prep
Brooke vs Shipley SchoolFriends School League2016
ESPN World Wide of Sports Complex
Solanco vs WilsonBerks Conference2016
Schuylkill Valley vs Blue MountainBerks Conference2016
Blue Mountain
Penn Charter vs La Salle College PrepCatholic League, Inter-Academic League2016
La Salle College Prep
Governor Mifflin vs Manheim TownshipBerks Conference2016
Manheim Township
MaSt Charter vs Father JudgeBicentennial League, Catholic League2016
Father Judge
Olney Charter vs Council Rock NorthSuburban One League2016
Council Rock North
Neumann-Goretti vs Episcopal AcademyCatholic League, Inter-Academic League2016
Episcopal Academy
Germantown Academy vs George SchoolFriends School League, Inter-Academic League2016
George School
Jefferson County vs North PennSuburban One League2016
Upper Moreland vs. JeffersonSuburban One League2016
Montini Catholic vs Shipley SchoolFriends School League2016
ESPN World Wide of Sports Complex
Wissahickon vs Germantown AcademyInter-Academic League, Suburban One League2016
Germantown Academy
Cardinal O’Hara vs RidleyCatholic League, Central League2016
Phoenixville vs Marple NewtownCentral League, Pioneer Athletic Conference2016
Marple Newtown
Downingtown West vs OctoraraChes-Mont League2016
Kiski vs Episcopal AcademyInter-Academic League2016
Episcopal Academy
Friends’ Central vs Atlantic County Institute of TechnologyFriends School League2016
Atlantic County Institute of Technology
Westby Area vs Shipley SchoolFriends School League2016
ESPN World Wide of Sports Complex
Chichester vs ChesterDel-Val League2016
Central Bucks South vs Council Rock SouthSuburban One League2016
Council Rock South
Cheltenham vs Penn CharterInter-Academic League, Suburban One League2016
Penn Charter
Upper Dublin vs WissahickonSuburban One League2016
William Tennent vs Central Bucks WestSuburban One League2016
Central Bucks West
West Chester East vs Downingtown EastChes-Mont League2016
Downingtown East
Great Valley vs KennettChes-Mont League2016
West Chester Rustin vs OxfordChes-Mont League2016
Unionville vs Sun ValleyChes-Mont League2016
Sun Valley
Christopher Dock vs Plumstead ChristianBicentennial League2016
Plumstead Christian
MaSt Charter vs Delco ChristianBicentennial League2016
Delco Christian
Council Rock North vs Devon PrepBicentennial League, Suburban One League2016
Devon Prep
Morrisville vs Faith ChristianBicentennial League2016
Faith Christian
Valley Forge Military Academy vs JenkintownBicentennial League2016
Pennsbury vs Archbishop WoodCatholic League, Del-Val League, Suburban One League2016
Archbishop Wood
Conestoga vs Lower MerionCentral League2016
Lower Merion
Garnet Valley vs HaverfordCentral League, Ches-Mont League2016
Harriton vs PenncrestCentral League2016
Springfield-Delco vs Marple NewtownCentral League2016
Marple Newtown
Strath Haven vs RadnorCentral League2016
Upper Darby vs RidleyCentral League2016
Academy Park vs InterboroDel-Val League2016
Pennridge vs Upper PerkiomenPioneer Athletic Conference, Suburban One League2016
Upper Perkiomen
Plymouth-Whitemarsh vs AbingtonSuburban One League2016
Neshaminy vs Central Bucks EastSuburban One League2016
Central Bucks East
Avon Grove vs West Chester HendersonChes-Mont League2016
West Chester Henderson
Octorara vs Pequea ValleyChes-Mont League2016
Pequea Valley
George School vs Perkiomen SchoolFriends School League, Inter-Academic League, Tri-County League2016
Perkiomen School
Daniel Boone vs Conrad WeiserBerks Conference2016
Conrad Weiser
Governor Mifflin vs HempfieldBerks Conference2016
Manheim Township vs ReadingBerks Conference2016
Pottsville vs WilsonBerks Conference2016
Berks Catholic vs Brandywine HeightsBerks Conference2016
Brandywine Heights
Fleetwood vs KutztownBerks Conference2016
Schuylkill Valley vs Oley ValleyBerks Conference2016
Oley Valley
West Florence, SC vs La Salle College PrepCatholic League2016
Mingo Bay Classic
Episcopal Academy vs Father JudgeCatholic League, Inter-Academic League2016
Father Judge
Bishop Shanahan vs CoatesvilleChes-Mont League2016
Twin Valley vs Lancaster MennoniteBerks Conference2016
Lancaster Mennonite
Exeter vs CocalicoBerks Conference2016
Antietam vs. West Shore ChristianBerks Conference2016
Souderton vs Perkiomen ValleyPioneer Athletic Conference, Suburban One League2016
Perkiomen Valley
Fenwick vs Shipley SchoolFriends School League2016
ESPN World Wide of Sports Complex
Friends’ Central vs Padua FranciscanFriends School League2016
Padua Franciscan
Germantown Friends vs San MarinoFriends School League2016
San Marino
Morrisville vs Friends SelectFriends School League2016
Friends Select
The Christian Academy vs Calvary ChristianBicentennial League2016
Calvary Christian
Unionville vs Avon GroveChes-Mont League2016
Avon Grove
West Chester Henderson vs Bishop ShanahanChes-Mont League2016
Bishop Shanahan
Coatesville vs Downingtown WestChes-Mont League2016
Downingtown West
Downingtown East vs Great ValleyChes-Mont League2016
Great Valley
Sun Valley vs KennettChes-Mont League2016
Octorara vs West Chester RustinChes-Mont League2016
West Chester Rustin
West Chester East vs OxfordChes-Mont League2016
Penn Charter vs WissahickonInter-Academic League, Suburban One League2016
Lebanon vs ExeterBerks Conference2016
Hamburg vs TamaquaBerks Conference2016
Owen J. Roberts vs BoyertownPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Phoenixville vs MethactonPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Pope John Paul II vs Perkiomen ValleyPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Perkiomen Valley
Pottstown vs PottsgrovePioneer Athletic Conference2016
Spring-Ford vs Upper PerkiomenPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Upper Perkiomen
Muhlenberg vs Garden SpotBerks Conference2016
Garden Spot
Penn Manor vs WilsonBerks Conference2016
Berks Catholic vs SolancoBerks Conference2016
Warwick vs Conrad WeiserBerks Conference2016
Conrad Weiser
Brandywine Heights vs Schuylkill ValleyBerks Conference2016
Schuylkill Valley
St. Charles, IL vs La Salle College PrepCatholic League2016
Mingo Bay Classic
Nativity vs AntietamBerks Conference2016
Perkiomen School vs QuakertownSuburban One League, Tri-County League2016
Walsingham vs Germantown AcademyInter-Academic League2016
Friends’ Central vs Harvey HighFriends School League2016
Harvey High
Glen Mills vs ChichesterDel-Val League2016
Penn Wood vs InterboroDel-Val League2016
Central Bucks East vs PennridgeSuburban One League2016
Central Bucks South vs North PennSuburban One League2016
North Penn
Central Bucks West vs QuakertownSuburban One League2016
Cheltenham vs Upper MerionSuburban One League2016
Upper Merion
Council Rock North vs William TennentSuburban One League2016
William Tennent
Harry S. Truman vs Council Rock SouthSuburban One League2016
Council Rock South
Norristown vs Upper DublinSuburban One League2016
Upper Dublin
Plymouth-Whitemarsh vs Upper MorelandSuburban One League2016
Upper Moreland
Church Farm School vs BristolBicentennial League2016
Christopher Dock vs Devon PrepBicentennial League2016
Devon Prep
MaSt Charter vs Holy Ghost PrepBicentennial League2016
Holy Ghost Prep
Bishop McDevitt vs JenkintownBicentennial League, Catholic League2016
Valley Forge Military Academy vs Lower MorelandBicentennial League2016
Lower Moreland
Morrisville vs New Hope-SoleburyBicentennial League2016
New Hope-Solebury
Phil-Mont Christian vs Plumstead ChristianBicentennial League2016
Plumstead Christian
Franklin Towne Charter vs Archbishop WoodCatholic League2016
Archbishop Wood
Penn Charter vs Conwell-EganCatholic League, Inter-Academic League2016
Ridley vs ConestogaCentral League2016
Garnet Valley vs Upper DarbyCentral League, Ches-Mont League2016
Upper Darby
Strath Haven vs HarritonCentral League2016
Lower Merion vs HaverfordCentral League2016
Radnor vs Marple NewtownCentral League2016
Marple Newtown
Penncrest vs Springfield-DelcoCentral League2016
Chester vs Academy ParkDel-Val League2016
Academy Park
Friends Select vs Solebury SchoolFriends School League2016
Solebury School
Abington vs PennsburySuburban One League2016
Bensalem vs NeshaminySuburban One League2016
Souderton vs Hatboro-HorshamSuburban One League2016
Wissahickon vs Springfield-MontcoSuburban One League2016
Howard School of Technology vs Westtown SchoolFriends School League2016
Westtown School
Boyertown vs Upper PerkiomenPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Upper Perkiomen
Methacton vs PottsgrovePioneer Athletic Conference2016
Manheim Township vs Daniel BooneBerks Conference2016
Daniel Boone
Cedar Crest vs ReadingBerks Conference2016
Wyomissing vs Twin ValleyBerks Conference2016
Twin Valley
Fleetwood vs PottsvilleBerks Conference2016
Aynor, SC vs La Salle College PrepCatholic League2016
Mingo Bay Classic
Stevenson vs Germantown AcademyInter-Academic League2016
Penn Wood vs Glen MillsDel-Val League2016
Glen Mills
Bensalem vs Upper MerionSuburban One League2016
Upper Merion
Jenkintown vs BristolBicentennial League2016
Esperenza Academy vs Calvary ChristianBicentennial League2016
Calvary Christian
Calvary Baptist vs Christopher DockBicentennial League2016
Christopher Dock
Plumstead Christian vs Friends SelectBicentennial League, Friends School League2016
Friends Select
Archbishop Carroll vs Penn CharterCatholic League, Inter-Academic League2016
Penn Charter
Avon Grove vs West Chester EastChes-Mont League2016
West Chester East
Downingtown East vs Bishop ShanahanChes-Mont League2016
Bishop Shanahan
Kennett vs Downingtown WestChes-Mont League2016
Downingtown West
Sun Valley vs Great ValleyChes-Mont League2016
Great Valley
Octorara vs West Chester HendersonChes-Mont League2016
West Chester Henderson
West Chester Rustin vs UnionvilleChes-Mont League2016
Academy Park vs NorristownDel-Val League, Suburban One League2016
Upper Moreland vs Harry S. TrumanSuburban One League2016
Harry S. Truman
Hatboro-Horsham vs PennsburySuburban One League2016
Pennridge vs NeshaminySuburban One League2016
Garden Spot vs ExeterBerks Conference2016
The Christian Academy vs Delco ChristianBicentennial League2016
Delco Christian
Owen J. Roberts vs PottstownPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Spring-Ford vs Perkiomen ValleyPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Perkiomen Valley
Perkiomen School vs Hun SchoolTri-County League2016
Hun School
Daniel Boone vs WyomissingBerks Conference2016
Nativity vs KutztownBerks Conference2016
Oxford vs CoatesvilleChes-Mont League2016
Conrad Weiser vs MuhlenbergBerks Conference2016
Strath Haven vs Caravel AcademyCentral League2016
Caravel Academy
Brandywine Heights vs. Lancaster MennoniteBerks Conference2016
Lancaster Mennonite
Friends’ Central vs Carroll HighFriends School League2016
Carroll High
Oley Valley vs Blue MountainBerks Conference2016
Blue Mountain
Harriton vs AbingtonCentral League, Suburban One League2016
Pottsville vs Governor MifflinBerks Conference2016
Governor Mifflin
ELCO vs HamburgBerks Conference2016
Father Judge vs Penn CharterCatholic League, Inter-Academic League2016
Penn Charter
Friends’ Central vs Greensburg CentralFriends School League2016
Greensburg Central
Germantown Friends vs Alhambra HSFriends School League2016
Alhambra HS
Devon Prep vs Lancaster County ChristianBicentennial League2016
Lancaster County Christian
Vincentian vs Germantown AcademyInter-Academic League2016
Muhlenberg vs WyomissingBerks Conference2016
Sanford vs Westtown SchoolFriends School League2016
Westtown School
Morrisville vs George SchoolBicentennial League, Friends School League, Inter-Academic League2016
George School
Episcopal Academy vs Germantown AcademyInter-Academic League2016
Muhlenberg vs StroudsburgBerks Conference2016
The Christian Academy vs Academy ParkDel-Val League2016
Academy Park
Pottstown vs Upper MerionPioneer Athletic Conference, Suburban One League2016
Upper Merion
Conwell-Egan vs Archbishop CarrollCatholic League2016
Archbishop Carroll
Roman Catholic vs Archbishop RyanCatholic League2016
Archbishop Ryan
Lower Merion vs RidleyCentral League2016
Marple Newtown vs PenncrestCentral League2016
Friends Select vs Barrack Hebrew AcademyFriends School League2016
Barrack Hebrew Academy
Cardinal O’Hara vs Father JudgeCatholic League2016
Father Judge
Bishop McDevitt vs La Salle College PrepCatholic League2016
La Salle College Prep
Governor Mifflin vs Conrad WeiserBerks Conference2016
Conrad Weiser
Chichester vs InterboroDel-Val League2016
Council Rock South vs BensalemSuburban One League2016
Hatboro-Horsham vs Central Bucks SouthSuburban One League2016
Central Bucks South
Pennridge vs Central Bucks WestSuburban One League2016
Central Bucks West
Upper Dublin vs CheltenhamSuburban One League2016
Council Rock North vs PennsburySuburban One League2016
Springfield-Montco vs NorristownSuburban One League2016
Upper Merion vs Plymouth-WhitemarshSuburban One League2016
Upper Moreland vs WissahickonSuburban One League2016
Calvary Baptist vs Calvary ChristianBicentennial League2016
Calvary Christian
Pottsgrove vs Christopher DockBicentennial League, Pioneer Athletic Conference2016
Christopher Dock
Bonner-Prendergast vs Lansdale CatholicCatholic League2016
Lansdale Catholic
Conestoga vs Garnet ValleyCentral League2016
Garnet Valley
Coatesville vs Avon GroveChes-Mont League2016
Avon Grove
Bishop Shanahan vs OctoraraChes-Mont League2016
Oxford vs Downingtown EastChes-Mont League2016
Downingtown East
West Chester Rustin vs Downingtown WestChes-Mont League2016
Downingtown West
Great Valley vs UnionvilleChes-Mont League2016
Kennett vs West Chester EastChes-Mont League2016
West Chester East
West Chester Henderson vs Sun ValleyChes-Mont League2016
Sun Valley
Devon Prep vs BristolBicentennial League2016
Phil-Mont Christian vs Calvary ChristianBicentennial League2016
Calvary Christian
Faith Christian vs Church Farm SchoolBicentennial League2016
Church Farm School
Delco Christian vs Valley Forge Military AcademyBicentennial League2016
Valley Forge Military Academy
Holy Ghost Prep vs New Hope-SoleburyBicentennial League2016
New Hope-Solebury
Jenkintown vs MorrisvilleBicentennial League2016
Plumstead Christian vs MaSt CharterBicentennial League2016
MaSt Charter
Upper Darby vs Haverford SchoolCentral League2016
Haverford School
Academy Park vs Penn WoodDel-Val League2016
Penn Wood
Friends Select vs Academy of the New ChurchFriends School League2016
Academy of the New Church
Girard Music Program vs Germantown FriendsFriends School League2016
Germantown Friends
Neshaminy vs AbingtonSuburban One League2016
North Penn vs Central Bucks EastSuburban One League2016
Central Bucks East
William Tennent vs Harry S. TrumanSuburban One League2016
Harry S. Truman
Quakertown vs SoudertonSuburban One League2016
Phoenixville vs Pope John Paul IIPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Pope John Paul II
Archbishop Wood vs Neumann-GorettiCatholic League2016
Westtown School vs Moorestown FriendsFriends School League2016
Moorestown Friends
Abington Friends vs Friends' CentralFriends School League2016
Friends' Central
Shipley School vs George SchoolFriends School League, Inter-Academic League2016
George School
Owen J. Roberts vs WilsonBerks Conference, Pioneer Athletic Conference2016
Fleetwood vs Oley ValleyBerks Conference2016
Oley Valley
Twin Valley vs Brandywine HeightsBerks Conference2016
Brandywine Heights
Perkiomen School vs Lower MorelandTri-County League2016
Lower Moreland
Boiling Springs vs AntietamBerks Conference2016
Bensalem vs PennsburySuburban One League2016
Radnor vs HarritonCentral League2016
Archbishop Wood vs Archbishop CarrollCatholic League2016
Archbishop Carroll
Neumann-Goretti vs Archbishop RyanCatholic League2016
Archbishop Ryan
Father Judge vs Bonner-PrendergastCatholic League2016
Conwell-Egan vs La Salle College PrepCatholic League2016
La Salle College Prep
Lansdale Catholic vs Roman CatholicCatholic League2016
Roman Catholic
Avon Grove vs KennettChes-Mont League2016
Unionville vs Bishop ShanahanChes-Mont League2016
Bishop Shanahan
Sun Valley vs Downingtown EastChes-Mont League2016
Downingtown East
West Chester East vs Great ValleyChes-Mont League2016
Great Valley
Oxford vs OctoraraChes-Mont League2016
Friends’ Central vs Bishop McDevittCatholic League, Friends School League2016
Bishop McDevitt
Neshaminy vs William TennentSuburban One League2016
William Tennent
Morrisville vs Girard CollegeBicentennial League2016
Girard College
Cardinal O’Hara vs St. Joseph's PrepCatholic League2016
St. Joseph's Prep
Downingtown West vs West Chester HendersonChes-Mont League2016
West Chester Henderson
Episcopal Academy vs Germantown FriendsFriends School League, Inter-Academic League2016
Germantown Friends
Springside Chestnut Hill vs Westtown SchoolFriends School League, Inter-Academic League, MAPL2016
Westtown School
Methacton vs BoyertownPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Upper Perkiomen vs Owen J. RobertsPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Owen J. Roberts
Spring-Ford vs PhoenixvillePioneer Athletic Conference2016
Pope John Paul II vs PottstownPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Pottsgrove vs Perkiomen ValleyPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Perkiomen Valley
Council Rock North vs Harry S. TrumanSuburban One League2016
Harry S. Truman
Wilson vs Daniel BooneBerks Conference2016
Daniel Boone
Exeter vs Governor MifflinBerks Conference2016
Governor Mifflin
Reading vs MuhlenbergBerks Conference2016
Conrad Weiser vs Berks CatholicBerks Conference2016
Berks Catholic
Fleetwood vs HamburgBerks Conference2016
Twin Valley vs Schuylkill ValleyBerks Conference2016
Schuylkill Valley
Oley Valley vs AntietamBerks Conference2016
Brandywine Heights vs KutztownBerks Conference2016
Wyomissing vs TulpehockenBerks Conference2016
Peddie School vs Germantown AcademyInter-Academic League2016
Germantown Academy
West Chester Rustin vs CoatesvilleChes-Mont League2016
Chester vs Penn WoodDel-Val League2016
Penn Wood
Central Bucks South vs PennridgeSuburban One League2016
Upper Merion vs NorristownSuburban One League2016
Bristol vs Calvary ChristianBicentennial League2016
Calvary Christian
New Hope-Solebury vs Church Farm SchoolBicentennial League2016
Church Farm School
Delco Christian vs Faith ChristianBicentennial League2016
Faith Christian
Devon Prep vs MaSt CharterBicentennial League2016
MaSt Charter
Holy Ghost Prep vs Valley Forge Military AcademyBicentennial League2016
Valley Forge Military Academy
Lower Moreland vs MorrisvilleBicentennial League2016
Ridley vs Garnet ValleyCentral League, Ches-Mont League2016
Garnet Valley
Upper Darby vs Lower MerionCentral League, Suburban One League2016
Lower Merion
Penncrest vs Strath HavenCentral League2016
Strath Haven
Springfield-Delco vs RadnorCentral League2016
Chichester vs Academy ParkDel-Val League2016
Academy Park
Central Bucks West vs SoudertonSuburban One League2016
Reading vs PottsvilleBerks Conference2016
Malvern Prep vs Caravel AcademyInter-Academic League2016
Caravel Academy
Conrad Weiser vs TulpehockenBerks Conference2016
MaSt Charter vs Central Bucks SouthBicentennial League, Suburban One League2016
Central Bucks South
Central Bucks East vs Hatboro-HorshamSuburban One League2016
Quakertown vs North PennSuburban One League2016
North Penn
Haverford vs ConestogaCentral League2016
Church Farm School vs Phil-Mont ChristianBicentennial League2016
Phil-Mont Christian
Devon Prep vs HarritonBicentennial League, Central League2016
Jenkintown vs New Hope-SoleburyBicentennial League2016
New Hope-Solebury
Plumstead Christian vs The Christian AcademyBicentennial League2016
The Christian Academy
Archbishop Carroll vs Haverford SchoolCatholic League, Inter-Academic League2016
Haverford School
Cardinal O’Hara vs Springfield-DelcoCatholic League, Central League2016
St. Joseph’s Prep vs Council Rock NorthSuburban One League2016
Council Rock North
Downingtown East vs West Chester EastChes-Mont League2016
West Chester East
Great Valley vs OxfordChes-Mont League2016
Kennett vs Sun ValleyChes-Mont League2016
Sun Valley
West Chester Rustin vs OctoraraChes-Mont League2016
Academy of the New Church vs Westtown SchoolFriends School League2016
Westtown School
Friends Select vs Abington FriendsFriends School League2016
Abington Friends
Pennridge vs Harry S. TrumanSuburban One League2016
Harry S. Truman
Neshaminy vs Upper DublinSuburban One League2016
Upper Dublin
Wyomissing vs Berks CatholicBerks Conference2016
Berks Catholic
Solebury School vs MorrisvilleBicentennial League2016
Bishop Shanahan vs West Chester HendersonChes-Mont League2016
West Chester Henderson
Friends’ Central vs Moorestown FriendsFriends School League2016
Moorestown Friends
Germantown Friends vs Shipley SchoolFriends School League2016
Shipley School
Perkiomen Valley vs BoyertownPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Owen J. Roberts vs MethactonPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Phoenixville vs PottsgrovePioneer Athletic Conference2016
Spring-Ford vs Pope John Paul IIPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Pope John Paul II
Pottstown vs Upper PerkiomenPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Upper Perkiomen
Springfield-Montco vs Germantown AcademyInter-Academic League, Suburban One League2016
Germantown Academy
Muhlenberg vs Twin ValleyBerks Conference2016
Twin Valley
Brandywine Heights vs FleetwoodBerks Conference2016
Hamburg vs KutztownBerks Conference2016
Malvern Prep vs Father JudgeCatholic League, Inter-Academic League2016
Father Judge
Downingtown West vs CoatesvilleChes-Mont League2016
Bristol vs Archbishop WoodBicentennial League, Catholic League2016
Archbishop Wood
Holy Ghost Prep vs Steinert-HamiltonBicentennial League2016
MaSt Charter vs Archbishop RyanBicentennial League, Catholic League2016
Archbishop Ryan
Conwell-Egan vs Germantown AcademyCatholic League, Inter-Academic League2016
Germantown Academy
Abington Heights vs Malvern PrepInter-Academic League2016
Malvern Prep
Muhlenberg vs PottsvilleBerks Conference2016
Abington Heights vs Malvern PrepInter-Academic League2016
Malvern Prep
Schuylkill Valley vs NativityBerks Conference2016
Interboro vs RadnorCentral League, Del-Val League2016
Hazleton vs Central Bucks EastSuburban One League2016
Central Bucks East
St. Joseph’s Prep vs Episcopal AcademyInter-Academic League2016
Episcopal Academy
Marple Newtown vs Cardinal O'HaraCatholic League, Central League2016
Cardinal O'Hara
Springside Chestnut Hill vs HIll SchoolInter-Academic League, MAPL2016
Hill School
Central Dauphin vs Governor MifflinBerks Conference2016
Governor Mifflin
Wilson vs Governor MifflinBerks Conference2016
Governor Mifflin
Norristown vs QuakertownSuburban One League2016
Glen Mills vs InterboroDel-Val League2016
Neshaminy vs Council Rock NorthSuburban One League2016
Council Rock North
Council Rock South vs William TennentSuburban One League2016
William Tennent
Bristol vs Holy Ghost PrepBicentennial League2016
Holy Ghost Prep
Calvary Christian vs Faith ChristianBicentennial League2016
Faith Christian
Christopher Dock vs Phil-Mont ChristianBicentennial League2016
Phil-Mont Christian
Church Farm School vs JenkintownBicentennial League2016
Morrisville vs Delco ChristianBicentennial League2016
Delco Christian
Lower Moreland vs Devon PrepBicentennial League2016
Devon Prep
Valley Forge Military Academy vs Plumstead ChristianBicentennial League2016
Plumstead Christian
Archbishop Carroll vs La Salle College PrepCatholic League2016
La Salle College Prep
Archbishop Ryan vs Archbishop WoodCatholic League2016
Archbishop Wood
St. Joseph’s Prep vs Bonner-PrendergastCatholic League2016
Conwell-Egan vs Central Bucks SouthCatholic League, Suburban One League2016
Central Bucks South
Lansdale Catholic vs Neumann-GorettiCatholic League2016
Lower Merion vs Garnet ValleyCentral League, Ches-Mont League2016
Garnet Valley
Harriton vs Springfield-DelcoCentral League2016
Ridley vs HaverfordCentral League2016
Marple Newtown vs Strath HavenCentral League2016
Strath Haven
Penncrest vs RadnorCentral League2016
West Chester East vs Avon GroveChes-Mont League2016
Avon Grove
Bishop Shanahan vs Downingtown EastChes-Mont League2016
Downingtown East
Great Valley vs Sun ValleyChes-Mont League2016
Sun Valley
Kennett vs West Chester RustinChes-Mont League2016
West Chester Rustin
Octorara vs UnionvilleChes-Mont League2016
Academy Park vs Friends SelectDel-Val League, Friends School League2016
Friends Select
Wissahickon vs Central Bucks EastSuburban One League2016
Central Bucks East
Central High vs Springfield-MontcoSuburban One League2016
Perkiomen School vs Barrack Hebrew AcademyTri-County League2016
Barrack Hebrew Academy
Cardinal O’Hara vs Bishop McDevittCatholic League2016
Bishop McDevitt
Coatesville vs West Chester HendersonChes-Mont League2016
West Chester Henderson
Boyertown vs PhoenixvillePioneer Athletic Conference2016
Methacton vs PottstownPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Pope John Paul II vs Upper PerkiomenPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Upper Perkiomen
Pottsgrove vs Spring-FordPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Muhlenberg vs Daniel BooneBerks Conference2016
Daniel Boone
Reading vs ExeterBerks Conference2016
Schuylkill Valley vs Berks CatholicBerks Conference2016
Berks Catholic
Conrad Weiser vs HamburgBerks Conference2016
Twin Valley vs FleetwoodBerks Conference2016
Antietam vs TulpehockenBerks Conference2016
Oley Valley vs Brandywine HeightsBerks Conference2016
Brandywine Heights
Perkiomen Valley vs Owen J. RobertsPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Owen J. Roberts
Wyomissing vs KutztownBerks Conference2016
Reading vs. HarrisburgBerks Conference2016
Wissahickon vs Upper MerionSuburban One League2016
Upper Merion
Harriton vs Marple NewtownCentral League2016
Marple Newtown
Franklin Towne Charter vs MaSt CharterBicentennial League2016
MaSt Charter
Glen Mills vs Academy ParkDel-Val League2016
Academy Park
Penn Wood vs ChichesterDel-Val League2016
Shipley School vs Friends' CentralFriends School League2016
Friends' Central
Westtown School vs George SchoolFriends School League, Inter-Academic League2016
George School
Penn Charter vs Episcopal AcademyInter-Academic League2016
Episcopal Academy
Malvern Prep vs Haverford SchoolInter-Academic League2016
Haverford School
Berks Catholic vs TulpehockenBerks Conference2016
Harry S. Truman vs PennsburySuburban One League2016
Souderton vs PennridgeSuburban One League2016
Hill School vs Peddie SchoolMAPL2016
Peddie School
Bensalem vs AbingtonSuburban One League2016
Central Bucks South vs Central Bucks EastSuburban One League2016
Central Bucks East
Central Bucks West vs North PennSuburban One League2016
North Penn
Christopher Dock vs BristolBicentennial League2016
Calvary Christian vs New Hope-SoleburyBicentennial League2016
New Hope-Solebury
Church Farm School vs Lower MorelandBicentennial League2016
Lower Moreland
Phil-Mont Christian vs Delco ChristianBicentennial League2016
Delco Christian
Valley Forge Military Academy vs Devon PrepBicentennial League2016
Devon Prep
Morrisville vs Holy Ghost PrepBicentennial League2016
Holy Ghost Prep
Jenkintown vs Plumstead ChristianBicentennial League2016
Plumstead Christian
Archbishop Ryan vs Archbishop CarrollCatholic League2016
Archbishop Carroll
Bonner-Prendergast vs Cardinal O'HaraCatholic League2016
Cardinal O'Hara
Conwell-Egan vs Lansdale CatholicCatholic League2016
Lansdale Catholic
Malvern Prep vs PenncrestCentral League, Inter-Academic League2016
Springfield-Delco vs Upper DarbyCentral League2016
Upper Darby
Avon Grove vs Bishop ShanahanChes-Mont League2016
Bishop Shanahan
West Chester Henderson vs Downingtown WestChes-Mont League2016
Downingtown West
West Chester Rustin vs Great ValleyChes-Mont League2016
Great Valley
Sun Valley vs OxfordChes-Mont League2016
Springfield-Montco vs Upper MorelandSuburban One League2016
Upper Moreland
Perkiomen Valley vs PottstownPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Renaissance Academy vs Perkiomen SchoolTri-County League2016
Perkiomen School
Springside Chestnut Hill vs Germantown AcademyInter-Academic League2016
Germantown Academy
St. Joseph’s Prep vs Archbishop WoodCatholic League2016
Archbishop Wood
Neumann-Goretti vs La Salle College PrepCatholic League2016
La Salle College Prep
Strath Haven vs Haverford SchoolCentral League, Inter-Academic League2016
Haverford School
Upper Perkiomen vs MethactonPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Pottsgrove vs Pope John Paul IIPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Pope John Paul II
Daniel Boone vs ExeterBerks Conference2016
Governor Mifflin vs ReadingBerks Conference2016
Muhlenberg vs WilsonBerks Conference2016
Berks Catholic vs FleetwoodBerks Conference2016
Hamburg vs Twin ValleyBerks Conference2016
Twin Valley
Tulpehocken vs Brandywine HeightsBerks Conference2016
Brandywine Heights
Kutztown vs Oley ValleyBerks Conference2016
Oley Valley
Downingtown East vs CoatesvilleChes-Mont League2016
Unionville vs KennettChes-Mont League2016
Spring-Ford vs BoyertownPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Phoenixville vs Owen J. RobertsPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Owen J. Roberts
Antietam vs WyomissingBerks Conference2016
Schuylkill Valley vs TulpehockenBerks Conference2016
Chester vs ChichesterDel-Val League2016
Glen Mills vs Penn WoodDel-Val League2016
Penn Wood
Harry S. Truman vs BensalemSuburban One League2016
Souderton vs Central Bucks SouthSuburban One League2016
Central Bucks South
Hatboro-Horsham vs Central Bucks WestSuburban One League2016
Central Bucks West
Upper Moreland vs CheltenhamSuburban One League2016
Wissahickon vs NorristownSuburban One League2016
Springfield-Montco vs Plymouth-WhitemarshSuburban One League2016
Upper Merion vs Upper DublinSuburban One League2016
Upper Dublin
Harriton vs ConestogaCentral League2016
Marple Newtown vs Garnet ValleyCentral League, Ches-Mont League2016
Garnet Valley
Penncrest vs HaverfordCentral League2016
Strath Haven vs Lower MerionCentral League2016
Lower Merion
Radnor vs RidleyCentral League2016
Interboro vs Academy ParkDel-Val League2016
Academy Park
Academy of the New Church vs Germantown FriendsFriends School League, Inter-Academic League2016
Germantown Friends
William Tennent vs AbingtonSuburban One League2016
Quakertown vs Central Bucks EastSuburban One League2016
Central Bucks East
Pennsbury vs NeshaminySuburban One League2016
Pennridge vs North PennSuburban One League2016
North Penn
West Chester East vs St. Joseph's PrepCatholic League, Ches-Mont League2016
St. Joseph's Prep
Germantown Academy vs Malvern PrepInter-Academic League2016
Malvern Prep
Collegium Charter vs Perkiomen SchoolTri-County League2016
Perkiomen School
Berks Catholic vs Lancaster ChristianBerks Conference2016
Lancaster Christian
Schuylkill Haven vs WyomissingBerks Conference2016
MaSt Charter vs Devon PrepBicentennial League2016
Devon Prep
Tamaqua vs Daniel BooneBerks Conference2016
Daniel Boone
High Point vs WyomissingBerks Conference2016
Hatboro-Horsham vs QuakertownSuburban One League2016
Plymouth-Whitemarsh vs Upper DublinSuburban One League2016
Upper Dublin
Archbishop Ryan vs Central Bucks EastCatholic League, Suburban One League2016
Central Bucks East
New Hope-Solebury vs BristolBicentennial League2016
Jenkintown vs Calvary ChristianBicentennial League2016
Calvary Christian
Faith Christian vs Christopher DockBicentennial League2016
Christopher Dock
Delco Christian vs Church Farm SchoolBicentennial League2016
Church Farm School
Holy Ghost Prep vs Lower MorelandBicentennial League2016
Lower Moreland
Plumstead Christian vs MorrisvilleBicentennial League2016
Lansdale Catholic vs SoudertonCatholic League, Suburban One League2016
Bishop Shanahan vs West Chester EastChes-Mont League2016
West Chester East
Downingtown West vs Downingtown EastChes-Mont League2016
Downingtown East
Unionville vs Great ValleyChes-Mont League2016
Great Valley
Kennett vs OctoraraChes-Mont League2016
Oxford vs West Chester RustinChes-Mont League2016
West Chester Rustin
Friends’ Central vs Westtown SchoolFriends School League2016
Westtown School
Exeter vs FleetwoodBerks Conference2016
George School vs Abington FriendsFriends School League, Inter-Academic League2016
Abington Friends
Moorestown Friends vs Shipley SchoolFriends School League2016
Shipley School
Haverford School vs Episcopal AcademyInter-Academic League2016
Episcopal Academy
Boyertown vs PottsgrovePioneer Athletic Conference2016
Pope John Paul II vs MethactonPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Phoenixville vs PottstownPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Perkiomen Valley vs Upper PerkiomenPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Upper Perkiomen
Springside Chestnut Hill vs Penn CharterInter-Academic League2016
Penn Charter
Governor Mifflin vs Twin ValleyBerks Conference2016
Twin Valley
Oley Valley vs Schuylkill HavenBerks Conference2016
Schuylkill Haven
Avon Grove vs CoatesvilleChes-Mont League2016
Owen J. Roberts vs Spring-FordPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Central Bucks West vs BensalemSuburban One League2016
Pottsville vs Oley ValleyBerks Conference2016
Oley Valley
Malvern Prep vs St. Augustine PrepInter-Academic League2016
St. Augustine Prep
Wilson vs HempfieldBerks Conference2016
Governor Mifflin vs BoyertownBerks Conference, Pioneer Athletic Conference2016
Reading vs EmmausBerks Conference2016
Schuylkill Valley vs Conrad WeiserBerks Conference2016
Conrad Weiser
Cardinal O’Hara vs InterboroCatholic League, Del-Val League2016
Upper Merion vs RadnorCentral League, Suburban One League2016
Friends’ Central vs Springside Chestnut HillFriends School League, Inter-Academic League2016
Springside Chestnut Hill
Allentown Central Catholic vs QuakertownSuburban One League2016
Penn Charter vs Berks CatholicBerks Conference, Inter-Academic League2016
Berks Catholic
Valley Forge Military Academy vs Lincoln Leadership AcademyBicentennial League2016
Lincoln Leadership Academy
Kutztown vs Schuylkill HavenBerks Conference2016
Schuylkill Haven
Northern Lebanon vs HamburgBerks Conference2016
Pine Grove vs TulpehockenBerks Conference2016
Harriton vs Devon PrepBicentennial League, Central League2016
Devon Prep
Abington Friends vs Academy of the New ChurchFriends School League2016
Academy of the New Church
Moorestown Friends vs George SchoolFriends School League, Inter-Academic League2016
George School
Franklin Towne Charter vs Germantown AcademyInter-Academic League2016
Germantown Academy
Bristol vs Harry S. TrumanBicentennial League, Suburban One League2016
Harry S. Truman
Westtown School vs Germantown FriendsFriends School League2016
Germantown Friends
Mercersburg Academy vs Hill SchoolMAPL2016
Hill School
Mercersburg Academy vs Hill SchoolMAPL2016
Hill School
Muhlenberg vs CocalicoBerks Conference2016
JP McCaskey vs ExeterBerks Conference2016
Wilson vs Conrad WeiserBerks Conference2016
Conrad Weiser
Brandywine HeightsBerks Conference2016
Brandywine Heights
Nativity vs WyomissingBerks Conference2016
Academy of the New Church vs Lower MorelandBicentennial League2016
Lower Moreland
Malvern Prep vs. Bishop EustaceInter-Academic League2016
Plymouth-Whitemarsh vs WissahickonSuburban One League2016
Princeton Day School vs Hill SchoolMAPL2016
Hill School
Council Rock North vs Neumann-GorettiCatholic League, Suburban One League2016
Faith Christian vs JenkintownBicentennial League2016
Archbishop Carroll vs Lansdale CatholicCatholic League2016
Lansdale Catholic
La Salle College Prep vs Archbishop RyanCatholic League2016
Archbishop Ryan
Father Judge vs Conwell-EganCatholic League2016
Conestoga vs Strath HavenCentral League2016
Strath Haven
Garnet Valley vs PenncrestCentral League, Ches-Mont League2016
Ridley vs HarritonCentral League2016
Haverford vs Springfield-DelcoCentral League2016
Lower Merion vs RadnorCentral League2016
Upper Darby vs Marple NewtownCentral League2016
Marple Newtown
Downingtown East vs Avon GroveChes-Mont League2016
Avon Grove
Bishop Shanahan vs KennettChes-Mont League2016
Coatesville vs OctoraraChes-Mont League2016
Downingtown West vs UnionvilleChes-Mont League2016
Oxford vs Great ValleyChes-Mont League2016
Great Valley
West Chester East vs Sun ValleyChes-Mont League2016
Sun Valley
West Chester Henderson vs West Chester RustinChes-Mont League2016
West Chester Rustin
Central Bucks East vs William TennentSuburban One League2016
William Tennent
Archbishop Wood vs Bonner-PrendergastCatholic League2016
Cardinal O’Hara vs Roman CatholicCatholic League2016
Roman Catholic
Bishop McDevitt vs St. Joseph's PrepCatholic League2016
St. Joseph's Prep
Boyertown vs Pope John Paul IIPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Pope John Paul II
Methacton vs Perkiomen ValleyPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Perkiomen Valley
Upper Perkiomen vs PhoenixvillePioneer Athletic Conference2016
Spring-Ford vs PottstownPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Reading vs Daniel BooneBerks Conference2016
Daniel Boone
Exeter vs WilsonBerks Conference2016
Twin Valley vs Berks CatholicBerks Conference2016
Berks Catholic
Fleetwood vs Conrad WeiserBerks Conference2016
Conrad Weiser
Hamburg vs Schuylkill ValleyBerks Conference2016
Schuylkill Valley
Kutztown vs AntietamBerks Conference2016
Oley Valley vs TulpehockenBerks Conference2016
Governor Mifflin vs MuhlenbergBerks Conference2016
Pottsgrove vs Owen J. RobertsPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Owen J. Roberts
Chichester vs Glen MillsDel-Val League2016
Glen Mills
Interboro vs Penn WoodDel-Val League2016
Penn Wood
Bensalem vs William TennentSuburban One League2016
William Tennent
Central Bucks East vs Central Bucks WestSuburban One League2016
Central Bucks West
Central Bucks South vs QuakertownSuburban One League2016
Cheltenham vs Plymouth-WhitemarshSuburban One League2016
Neshaminy vs Harry S. TrumanSuburban One League2016
Harry S. Truman
Norristown vs Upper MorelandSuburban One League2016
Upper Moreland
Pennsbury vs Council Rock SouthSuburban One League2016
Council Rock South
Upper Merion vs Springfield-MontcoSuburban One League2016
Bristol vs MaSt CharterBicentennial League2016
MaSt Charter
Lower Moreland vs Calvary ChristianBicentennial League2016
Calvary Christian
New Hope-Solebury vs Christopher DockBicentennial League2016
Christopher Dock
Holy Ghost Prep vs Church Farm SchoolBicentennial League2016
Church Farm School
Delco Christian vs JenkintownBicentennial League2016
Devon Prep vs MorrisvilleBicentennial League2016
Faith Christian vs Phil-Mont ChristianBicentennial League2016
Phil-Mont Christian
Calvary Baptist vs Plumstead ChristianBicentennial League2016
Plumstead Christian
Academy Park vs ChesterDel-Val League2016
Friends Select vs Westtown SchoolFriends School League2016
Westtown School
Germantown Friends vs Abington FriendsFriends School League2016
Abington Friends
Abington vs Council Rock NorthSuburban One League2016
Council Rock North
Pennridge vs Hatboro-HorshamSuburban One League2016
North Penn vs SoudertonSuburban One League2016
Malvern Prep vs Springside Chestnut HillInter-Academic League2016
Springside Chestnut Hill
Perkiomen School vs Mercy VocationalTri-County League2016
Mercy Vocational
Academy of the New Church vs Shipley SchoolFriends School League2016
Shipley School
George School vs Friends' CentralFriends School League, Inter-Academic League2016
Friends' Central
Germantown Academy vs Episcopal AcademyInter-Academic League2016
Episcopal Academy
Oley Valley vs Pequea ValleyBerks Conference2016
Pequea Valley
Berks Catholic vs HamburgBerks Conference2016
Pope John Paul II vs Owen J. RobertsPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Owen J. Roberts
Blair Academy vs Hill SchoolMAPL2016
Hill School
Archbishop Carroll vs Father JudgeCatholic League2016
Father Judge
Archbishop Wood vs Bishop McDevittCatholic League2016
Bishop McDevitt
Roman Catholic vs Bonner-PrendergastCatholic League2016
St. Joseph’s Prep vs Conwell-EganCatholic League2016
Marple Newtown vs ConestogaCentral League2016
Radnor vs Garnet ValleyCentral League2016
Garnet Valley
Harriton vs HaverfordCentral League2016
Penncrest vs Lower MerionCentral League2016
Lower Merion
Springfield-Delco vs RidleyCentral League2016
Strath Haven vs Upper DarbyCentral League2016
Upper Darby
West Chester East vs UnionvilleChes-Mont League2016
Harry S. Truman vs AbingtonSuburban One League2016
Neumann-Goretti vs Cardinal O'HaraCatholic League2016
Cardinal O'Hara
Lansdale Catholic vs La Salle College PrepCatholic League2016
La Salle College Prep
Shipley School vs Friends SelectFriends School League2016
Friends Select
Germantown Academy vs Westtown SchoolFriends School League, Inter-Academic League2016
Westtown School
Pottstown vs BoyertownPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Methacton vs Spring-FordPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Perkiomen Valley vs PhoenixvillePioneer Athletic Conference2016
Upper Perkiomen vs PottsgrovePioneer Athletic Conference2016
Daniel Boone vs Governor MifflinBerks Conference2016
Governor Mifflin
Conrad Weiser vs Twin ValleyBerks Conference2016
Twin Valley
Schuylkill Valley vs FleetwoodBerks Conference2016
Kutztown vs TulpehockenBerks Conference2016
Oley Valley vs WyomissingBerks Conference2016
Friends’ Central vs Pennington SchoolFriends School League2016
Pennington School
Wilson vs ReadingBerks Conference2016
Interboro vs ChichesterDel-Val League2016
Council Rock North vs BensalemSuburban One League2016
Central Bucks South vs Central Bucks WestSuburban One League2016
Central Bucks West
Wissahickon vs CheltenhamSuburban One League2016
Plymouth-Whitemarsh vs NorristownSuburban One League2016
Quakertown vs PennridgeSuburban One League2016
Springfield-Montco vs Upper DublinSuburban One League2016
Upper Dublin
Upper Moreland vs Upper MerionSuburban One League2016
Upper Merion
Calvary Christian vs Delco ChristianBicentennial League2016
Delco Christian
Christopher Dock vs JenkintownBicentennial League2016
Church Farm School vs Plumstead ChristianBicentennial League2016
Plumstead Christian
Devon Prep vs Holy Ghost PrepBicentennial League2016
Holy Ghost Prep
MaSt Charter vs Faith ChristianBicentennial League2016
Faith Christian
Lower Moreland vs New Hope-SoleburyBicentennial League2016
New Hope-Solebury
Valley Forge Military Academy vs Phil-Mont ChristianBicentennial League2016
Phil-Mont Christian
Archbishop Ryan vs Neumann-GorettiCatholic League2016
Conestoga vs PenncrestCentral League2016
Garnet Valley vs HarritonCentral League2016
Haverford vs Strath HavenCentral League2016
Strath Haven
Lower Merion vs Springfield-DelcoCentral League2016
Ridley vs Marple NewtownCentral League2016
Marple Newtown
Upper Darby vs RadnorCentral League2016
Penn Wood vs Academy ParkDel-Val League2016
Academy Park
Germantown Friends vs Academy of the New ChurchFriends School League, Inter-Academic League2016
Academy of the New Church
Souderton vs Central Bucks EastSuburban One League2016
Central Bucks East
Hatboro-Horsham vs North PennSuburban One League2016
North Penn
Council Rock South vs NeshaminySuburban One League2016
William Tennent vs PennsburySuburban One League2016
Perkiomen School vs West-Mont ChristianTri-County League2016
West-Mont Christian
Downingtown East vs KennettChes-Mont League2016
West Chester Henderson vs Great ValleyChes-Mont League2016
Great Valley
Collegium Charter vs. Renissance AcademyTri-County League2016
Friends’ Central vs George SchoolFriends School League, Inter-Academic League2016
George School
Central vs Shipley SchoolFriends School League2016
Shipley School
Perkiomen Valley vs Pope John Paul IIPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Pope John Paul II
Haverford School vs Germantown AcademyInter-Academic League2016
Germantown Academy
Methacton vs PhoenixvillePioneer Athletic Conference2016
Pottsgrove vs PottstownPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Garden Spot vs Governor MifflinBerks Conference2016
Governor Mifflin
Peddie School vs Hill SchoolMAPL2016
Hill School
Norristown vs CheltenhamSuburban One League2016
Upper Moreland vs PennridgeSuburban One League2016
Plumstead Christian vs BristolBicentennial League2016
Chichester vs Springfield-DelcoCentral League, Del-Val League2016
Avon Grove vs OctoraraChes-Mont League2016
Bishop Shanahan vs West Chester RustinChes-Mont League2016
West Chester Rustin
Coatesville vs Sun ValleyChes-Mont League2016
Sun Valley
Downingtown West vs OxfordChes-Mont League2016
Upper Dublin vs SoudertonSuburban One League2016
Conrad Weiser vs ExeterBerks Conference2016
Church Farm School vs Academy of the New ChurchBicentennial League, Friends School League2016
Academy of the New Church
Episcopal Academy vs Springside Chestnut HillInter-Academic League2016
Springside Chestnut Hill
Penn Charter vs Malvern PrepInter-Academic League2016
Malvern Prep
Berks Catholic vs ReadingBerks Conference2016
Tulpehocken vs FleetwoodBerks Conference2016
Wyomissing vs Schuylkill ValleyBerks Conference2016
Schuylkill Valley
Boyertown vs Owen J. RobertsPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Owen J. Roberts
Upper Perkiomen vs Spring-FordPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Bonner-Prendergast vs Malvern PrepCatholic League, Inter-Academic League2016
Malvern Prep
Daniel Boone vs Berks CatholicBerks Conference2016
Berks Catholic
Wilson vs Central DauphinBerks Conference2016
Central Dauphin
Archbishop Wood vs Council Rock SouthCatholic League, Suburban One League2016
Council Rock South
St. Joseph’s Prep vs Springside Chestnut HillInter-Academic League2016
Springside Chestnut Hill
North Penn vs ParklandSuburban One League2016
Hopewell Valley vs PennsburySuburban One League2016
Reading vs Central Dauphin EastBerks Conference2016
Central Dauphin East
Muhlenberg vs PalmyraBerks Conference2016
Devon Prep vs Haverford SchoolBicentennial League, Inter-Academic League2016
Haverford School
Holy Ghost Prep vs Council Rock NorthBicentennial League, Suburban One League2016
Council Rock North
Prep Charter vs Shipley SchoolFriends School League2016
Shipley School
Haverford School vs. WesttownFriends School League, Inter-Academic League2016
Westtown School
West Perry vs HamburgBerks Conference2016
Twin Valley vs TulpehockenBerks Conference2016
Malvern Prep vs Marple NewtownCentral League, Inter-Academic League2016
Marple Newtown
West Chester Rustin vs Glen MillsChes-Mont League, Del-Val League2016
Glen Mills
Lawrenceville vs Episcopal AcademyInter-Academic League2016
Episcopal Academy
Lancaster County Christian vs Delco ChristianBicentennial League2016
Delco Christian
Pottsgrove vs KutztownBerks Conference, Pioneer Athletic Conference2016
Perkiomen School vs. Penn CharterInter-Academic League, Tri-County League2016
Sun Valley vs Bishop ShanahanChes-Mont League2016
Bishop Shanahan
Cheltenham vs Harry S. TrumanSuburban One League2016
Harry S. Truman
Upper Dublin vs NorristownSuburban One League2016
Palisades vs Central Bucks WestSuburban One League2016
Central Bucks West
Morrisville vs BensalemBicentennial League, Suburban One League2016
Lansdale Catholic vs Archbishop RyanCatholic League2016
Archbishop Ryan
Bonner-Prendergast vs Bishop McDevittCatholic League2016
Bishop McDevitt
Neumann-Goretti vs Father JudgeCatholic League2016
Father Judge
Radnor vs ConestogaCentral League2016
Springfield-Delco vs Garnet ValleyCentral League, Ches-Mont League2016
Garnet Valley
Harriton vs Lower MerionCentral League2016
Lower Merion
Marple Newtown vs HaverfordCentral League2016
Penncrest vs Upper DarbyCentral League2016
Upper Darby
Strath Haven vs RidleyCentral League2016
Oxford vs Avon GroveChes-Mont League2016
Avon Grove
Octorara vs Downingtown EastChes-Mont League2016
Downingtown East
Great Valley vs Downingtown WestChes-Mont League2016
Downingtown West
West Chester Rustin vs West Chester EastChes-Mont League2016
West Chester East
Central Bucks East vs Council Rock SouthSuburban One League2016
Council Rock South
Lincoln Leadership Academy vs Plumstead ChristianBicentennial League2016
Plumstead Christian
Archbishop Wood vs La Salle College PrepCatholic League2016
La Salle College Prep
Conwell-Egan vs Cardinal O'HaraCatholic League2016
Cardinal O'Hara
Roman Catholic vs St. Joseph's PrepCatholic League2016
St. Joseph's Prep
Unionville vs West Chester HendersonChes-Mont League2016
West Chester Henderson
Pottsgrove vs MethactonPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Pope John Paul II vs PhoenixvillePioneer Athletic Conference2016
Perkiomen Valley vs Spring-FordPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Southern Lehigh vs PennridgeSuburban One League2016
Daniel Boone vs WilsonBerks Conference2016
Governor Mifflin vs ExeterBerks Conference2016
Berks Catholic vs Conrad WeiserBerks Conference2016
Conrad Weiser
Hamburg vs FleetwoodBerks Conference2016
Schuylkill Valley vs Twin ValleyBerks Conference2016
Twin Valley
Antietam vs Oley ValleyBerks Conference2016
Oley Valley
Tulpehocken vs WyomissingBerks Conference2016
Kennett vs CoatesvilleChes-Mont League2016
Muhlenberg vs ReadingBerks Conference2016
Upper Perkiomen vs BoyertownPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Pottstown vs Owen J. RobertsPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Owen J. Roberts
Interboro vs Glen MillsDel-Val League2016
Glen Mills
Penn Wood vs ChesterDel-Val League2016
Neshaminy vs BensalemSuburban One League2016
North Penn vs Central Bucks SouthSuburban One League2016
Central Bucks South
Quakertown vs Central Bucks WestSuburban One League2016
Central Bucks West
WIlliam Tennent vs Council Rock NorthSuburban One League2016
Council Rock North
Upper Dublin vs Avon GroveChes-Mont League, Suburban One League2016
Avon Grove
Valley Forge Military Academy vs BristolBicentennial League2016
Calvary Christian vs Holy Ghost PrepBicentennial League2016
Holy Ghost Prep
Christopher Dock vs Lower MorelandBicentennial League2016
Lower Moreland
Church Farm School vs Devon PrepBicentennial League2016
Devon Prep
Plumstead Christian vs Delco ChristianBicentennial League2016
Delco Christian
Jenkintown vs Faith ChristianBicentennial League2016
Faith Christian
MaSt Charter vs New Hope-SoleburyBicentennial League2016
New Hope-Solebury
Academy Park vs ChichesterDel-Val League2016
Academy of the New Church vs Moorestown FriendsFriends School League2016
Moorestown Friends
Friends’ Central vs Friends SelectFriends School League2016
Friends Select
Pennsbury vs AbingtonSuburban One League2016
Pennridge vs Central Bucks EastSuburban One League2016
Central Bucks East
Council Rock South vs Harry S. TrumanSuburban One League2016
Harry S. Truman
Hatboro-Horsham vs SoudertonSuburban One League2016
Springfield-Montco vs WissahickonSuburban One League2016
Germantown Friends vs George SchoolFriends School League, Inter-Academic League2016
George School
Malvern Prep vs Episcopal AcademyInter-Academic League2016
Episcopal Academy
Penn Charter vs Germantown AcademyInter-Academic League2016
Germantown Academy
Springside Chestnut Hill vs Haverford SchoolInter-Academic League, MAPL2016
Haverford School
Shipley School vs Hill SchoolFriends School League, MAPL2016
Hill School
Upper Merion vs CheltenhamSuburban One League2016
Wissahickon vs Upper MorelandSuburban One League2016
Upper Moreland
Delco Christian vs Christopher DockBicentennial League2016
Christopher Dock
Jenkintown vs MaSt CharterBicentennial League2016
MaSt Charter
The Christian Academy vs MorrisvilleBicentennial League2016
Father Judge vs Archbishop RyanCatholic League2016
Archbishop Ryan
Archbishop Wood vs Lansdale CatholicCatholic League2016
Lansdale Catholic
Bonner-Prendergast vs Conwell-EganCatholic League2016
Neumann-Goretti vs St. Joseph's PrepCatholic League2016
St. Joseph's Prep
Conestoga vs Springfield-DelcoCentral League2016
Avon Grove vs Downingtown WestChes-Mont League2016
Downingtown West
West Chester East vs CoatesvilleChes-Mont League2016
Great Valley vs OctoraraChes-Mont League2016
Unionville vs OxfordChes-Mont League2016
West Chester Rustin vs Sun ValleyChes-Mont League2016
Sun Valley
Archbishop Carroll vs Cardinal O'HaraCatholic League2016
Cardinal O'Hara
La Salle College Prep vs Malvern PrepCatholic League, Inter-Academic League2016
Malvern Prep
Garnet Valley vs Haverford SchoolChes-Mont League, Inter-Academic League2016
Haverford School
Downingtown East vs West Chester HendersonChes-Mont League2016
West Chester Henderson
Friends’ Central vs Perkiomen SchoolFriends School League, Tri-County League2016
Perkiomen School
Boyertown vs MethactonPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Owen J. Roberts vs Upper PerkiomenPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Upper Perkiomen
Pottstown vs Pope John Paul IIPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Pope John Paul II
Perkiomen Valley vs PottsgrovePioneer Athletic Conference2016
Exeter vs ReadingBerks Conference2016
Governor Mifflin vs WilsonBerks Conference2016
Berks Catholic vs Schuylkill ValleyBerks Conference2016
Schuylkill Valley
Hamburg vs Conrad WeiserBerks Conference2016
Conrad Weiser
Fleetwood vs Twin ValleyBerks Conference2016
Twin Valley
Tulpehocken vs AntietamBerks Conference2016
Brandywine Heights vs Oley ValleyBerks Conference2016
Oley Valley
Pennington School vs George SchoolFriends School League, Inter-Academic League2016
George School
Hun School vs Hill SchoolMAPL2016
Hill School
Daniel Boone vs MuhlenbergBerks Conference2016
Phoenixville vs Spring-FordPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Chichester vs Penn WoodDel-Val League2016
Penn Wood
Plymouth-Whitemarsh vs Upper MerionSuburban One League2016
Upper Merion
Souderton vs QuakertownSuburban One League2016
Bristol vs Lower MorelandBicentennial League2016
Lower Moreland
Plumstead Christian vs Calvary ChristianBicentennial League2016
Calvary Christian
Church Farm School vs Perkiomen SchoolBicentennial League, Tri-County League2016
Perkiomen School
New Hope-Solebury vs Devon PrepBicentennial League2016
Devon Prep
Faith Christian vs Valley Forge Military AcademyBicentennial League2016
Valley Forge Military Academy
Phil-Mont Christian vs MorrisvilleBicentennial League2016
Haverford vs RadnorCentral League2016
Lower Merion vs Marple NewtownCentral League2016
Marple Newtown
Ridley vs PenncrestCentral League2016
Academy Park vs Glen MillsDel-Val League2016
Glen Mills
Community Academy of Philadelphia vs Friends SelectFriends School League2016
Friends Select
Germantown Friends vs Moorestown FriendsFriends School League2016
Moorestown Friends
Abington vs NeshaminySuburban One League2016
Methacton vs Owen J. RobertsPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Owen J. Roberts
Berks Catholic vs KutztownBerks Conference2016
High Point vs AntietamBerks Conference2016
Wilson vs ParklandBerks Conference2016
Upper Moreland vs Plymouth-WhitemarshSuburban One League2016
Pennsbury vs Council Rock NorthSuburban One League2016
Council Rock North
Harry S. Truman vs William TennentSuburban One League2016
William Tennent
Cheltenham vs Hatboro-HorshamSuburban One League2016
Garnet Valley vs Strath HavenCentral League, Ches-Mont League2016
Strath Haven
Upper Darby vs HarritonCentral League2016
Downingtown West vs West Chester EastChes-Mont League2016
West Chester East
Octorara vs OxfordChes-Mont League2016
Sun Valley vs UnionvilleChes-Mont League2016
Academy of the New Church vs Friends' CentralFriends School League2016
Friends' Central
Upper Dublin vs AbingtonSuburban One League2016
Collegium Charter vs Church Farm SchoolBicentennial League2016
Church Farm School
Friends Select vs George SchoolFriends School League, Inter-Academic League2016
George School
Science Leadership Academy vs Germantown FriendsFriends School League, Inter-Academic League2016
Germantown Friends
Westtown School vs Shipley SchoolFriends School League2016
Shipley School
Episcopal Academy vs Penn CharterInter-Academic League2016
Penn Charter
Pottsgrove vs PhoenixvillePioneer Athletic Conference2016
Pope John Paul II vs Spring-FordPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Upper Perkiomen vs PottstownPioneer Athletic Conference2016
Souderton vs EmmausSuburban One League2016
Downingtown East vs Daniel BooneBerks Conference, Ches-Mont League2016
Daniel Boone
Reading vs LibertyBerks Conference2016
Pottsville vs Conrad WeiserBerks Conference2016
Conrad Weiser
Hamburg vs Jim ThorpeBerks Conference2016
Jim Thorpe
Interboro vs ChesterDel-Val League2016