Eleven Owen J. Roberts student-athletes recently announced their college decisions during a signing ceremony at the school with family, friends and coaches. Making their...
FIRST TEAM Attack: Justin Sanelli, senior, Methacton Attack: Jack Scaliti, senior, Perkiomen Valley Attack: Nick Teets, senior, Spring-Ford Midfield: Adam Gallagher, junior, Boyertown Midfield:...
The loss of the 2020 spring sports season in Pennsylvania meant different things to different people. To Jack Scaliti and the Perkiomen Valley boys’...
FIRST TEAM POSITION FIRST NAME LAST NAME SCHOOL GRADE Attack Nicholas Teets Spring-Ford Senior Attack Justin Sanelli Methacton Senior Attack Jack Scaliti Perkiomen Valley...
GRATERFORD >> Losing the 2020 season — and a year off their high school careers — taught the Springfield-Delco Cougars several valuable lessons. That’s...
Downingtown >> Downingtown West sophomore sensation Bret Bergey, who scored six goals in his team’s resounding 15-4 win against 12th-seeded Spring-Ford in its District...