Haverford High School’s Riley Quartermain is Main Line Girls Athlete of the Week

A senior, Quartermain is a three-year District 1 (Class AAA) qualifier and a 3-year first team All-Central League golfer. Last fall she shot 78 to tie for low girls’ score at Turtle Creek in the Central League Qualifier for the PIAA District 1 Golf Championship, and placed fifth at Districts. As a sophomore, she finished 14th at the PIAA Class AAA state tourney. Haverford High golf coach Nate Oxman said, “I’ve coached basketball at the middle school and high school level, summer leagues, AAU, for over 20 years and I’ve never coached an athlete who has the determination to succeed that she has. … At Districts last fall, she shot 76 the first day, which put her in good shape for qualifying for Regionals. But instead of being satisfied with her position, all she talked about on the bus ride home from Turtle Creek was that she needed to go to the range. As we passed Tee’s on 476, she asked if I could drop her off. I told her she should go home first. I mean we’d been gone all day. She probably woke up around 6 a.m., we drove all the way out to Limerick, she played a 5-hour round, walking and carrying her own bag, and it was probably early evening when we got back. That night, her dad texted me that she made him take her to the range after dinner. The next day she shot 74 and qualified for Regionals.” Off the course, she is a member of National Honor Society and National Science Honor Society.
Q: What is your most vivid memory of Districts last fall, where you finished fifth?
A: I remember hitting my third shot safely on the 18th green and at that moment I knew I made it. I remember walking up to the 18th green and seeing all of the kids piled around the green watching – the best part of Turtle is on 18 everyone crowds around the green after and watches all the groups coming in. After I walked off the green I saw my swing coach, John Dunigan, who was there supporting his daughter and they congratulated me for my play. I walked over to our assistant coach who was there with me and I remember fist pumping him. I do not really like hot dogs but the best part about the Central League Championship/ Districts is the Turtle Creek hot dogs. I remember sitting there eating my Turtle hot dog, watching the last couple groups coming in: life was good. Turtle is one of those courses that is so much fun and I have played it so many times that I know it really well and know I can put up a good score there.
Q: After three months of golf lockdown, you had some strong finishes in tournaments this summer. What was the biggest challenge for you in keeping your game in shape during the lockdown, and how did you meet that challenge?
A: In April, when I was not able to go on the course, my greatest struggle was I did not know how my ball was flying. I have a net in my garage, so I was able to keep my swing together during quarantine, which helped a lot, but I had no idea where the ball was actually going.
Q: What part of your game do you consider strongest? What aspect of your game are you working on the most currently?
A: My driver is definitely the strongest part of my game. I swing 105 mph and average about 270 yards. I am currently working very hard on my putting. I am doing a lot of practice on a chalk line (I highly recommend this, you can get it on amazon.com) to work on starting the ball on line. I hit the ball so far but in the past, my short game has never been strong enough to depend on when my long has isn’t there.
Q: What is your favorite club and why? What is your favorite golf ball and why?
A: My favorite club is my driver, which is my Taylormade M5. I feel very confident and comfortable with it and we have been through a lot together. My favorite ball is a Titliest Prov1x – I love the spin I get with it and I hit a lot of trees, cart paths etc. and it holds up well through all that.
Q: What golf mentors have been particularly influential to you, and what has been the most important thing you have learned from each of them?
A: My dad has been very influential on my life and golf career. He taught me the game of golf and has always kept it fun for me. I did not start tournament golf until about five years ago, which is late compared to most who play US kids golf tournaments. He never pressured me into playing when I was young and has always kept it fun, which is the most important thing. I take him to tournaments with me to watch my balls because I am a little wild and he has good eyes. He always says to me, “If you keep doing what you’re doing, you’re going to keep getting what you’re getting.” I apply this to challenges I am faced with in golf, school, etc.
Q: What is your favorite hole at your home course (Llanerch) and why?
A: Definitely the 18th hole at Llanerch. I love the view of the clubhouse and how the green is drivable. The best part is how there are always people out on the deck/patio watching the 18th green. The members at Llanerch are some of the best people in the world and always go crazy when people hit a good shot or sink a long putt. I guess you could say I like a good crowd. At night, I and other juniors will go play No. 18 10-20 times in a row to give a show to the crowd of people out on the deck.
Q: What is your favorite golf course and why?
A: My favorite golf course is, hands down, Merion East. I got to play it once last year and it was amazing. Words can’t describe how beautiful it is. I remember walking up and staring at the grass on the greens for a couple minutes, in awe of how perfect it was. There is a feeling you get when you play there that is indescribable.
Q: Who is your favorite golfer and why? Is there a golfer whose game you try to pattern your game after?
A: Lexi Thompson. She swings so hard and I just enjoy watching her play. My swing is kind of similar to hers at impact and that we both swing fast. I do not really try to pattern my game off anyone but I do some of Jordan Speith’s putting drills.
Q: What do you think you would like to major in at college? Is there a particular career field that interests you at the present time?
A: I want to major in microbiology or neuroscience in college and I plan on going to medical school after college. My dream job would be a traveling doctor, going to countries throughout the world that need medical help.
Fun facts – Riley Quartermain
Favorite book: The Outsiders.
Favorite author: Agatha Christie.
Favorite TV show: The Office.
Favorite movie: Parent Trap (Lindsay Lohan).
Favorite athlete: Lexi Thompson.
Favorite pre-round pump-up song: Loose Yourself, by Eminem.
Favorite team: University of North Carolina.
Favorite place to visit: Pinehurst, N.C.
Favorite pre-round meal: Penne pasta with meat sauce.
Person I most admire, and why: “My dad, he is a very hard worker and a great golfer and person.”
Family members: parents Michael and Christy, sister Ella, brother William.
(To be selected as Main Line Girls Athlete of the Week, a student-athlete must first be nominated by her coach.)