O’Brien leads offensive onslaught as Plymouth-Whitemarsh routs William Tennent

Warrington>>>  Four was the number of the night for the Plymouth-Whitemarsh Colonials in the first half. Four of their seven touchdown drives took four plays or less. Their offensive explosion helped them jump out to a 49-0 lead by the end of the half en route to a 57-7 win over the William Tennent Panthers at Eugene J. Grossi Athletic Complex. 

The Colonials early drives were characterized by chunk plays, many of them coming from senior quarterback Aiden O’Brien. O’Brien was responsible for four first-half scores with both his arm and his leg. 

O’Brien shined, accounting for 106 yards, two touchdowns through the air, and 89 yards and two touchdowns on the ground. Head coach Dan Chang praised his quarterback and offense for their first-half efforts. 

“He’s our leader on the offense, he makes sure we’re in the right spot, he makes good decisions, his passing game has gotten so much better this year and it makes us so much tougher to play,” said Chang.  “We were able to distribute the ball around, we were able to get the ball in the air a little bit.” 

O’Brien was especially happy with the passing game and was looking to make a statement with what he accomplished through the air.

“I think a lot of people overlook me for my arm, don’t think I got the best arm,” said O’Brien, “ I tried to prove them wrong and I think I did that tonight.” 

The recipient of the game’s first two completions, Nazye Boggs was laudatory when talking about his quarterback and their team’s success on the offensive side of the ball.

“I love it, he’s a dual threat,” said Boggs “He can move it on the ground and he gets it to where I need it.” 

The Colonial onslaught was as quick as it was effective by the 6:57 mark in the first quarter their team already led 21-0.  O’Brien and Boggs got a huge boost from an offensive line that ensured the pocket was clean and the holes were huge, much to the delight of Chang.

“That’s what our offense relies on, our offensive line and our tight ends being able to block.”

O’Brien added to the praise specifically noting that his offensive line deserved a mention for how well they played. 

 “I got all the confidence in the world in those guys; Joe Foy, Nate Mascio, Connor Capizzi, Tye Hines, and Zach Smith,” said O’Brien, “best line in the league, best line in the district.”

While the offense was the belle of the ball the defense was every bit as dominant. The Panthers wouldn’t score their first touchdown of the game until there was only a little over two minutes remaining in the game and well after Colonial starters had been pulled. Boggs kept it simple when talking about how the defense played. 

“Lockdown, we’re lockdown, we work as a team”  

The Panthers lone touchdown was one of the night’s best throws, a beautiful 30-yard pass from junior quarterback Cosenza Parks to sophomore wide receiver Joseph Hebling. The Panthers found most of their best offensive plays throughout the day in the air.

With their defeat of the Panthers, the Colonials record now stands at 5-2 and most importantly 2-0 in the SOL American. Plymouth Whitemarsh from coach to the quarterback is focused on making sure to capture that SOL American Conference crown. 

“We’re looking for a league chip and we’re rolling into playoffs looking for a district chip too,” said O’Brien

Plymouth-Whitemarsh will continue facing conference foes next week when it hosts the Springfield Spartans at 7 pm next Friday in what will be a pivotal matchup in deciding who will ultimately walk away with the conference crown. 


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