Sacred Heart second baseman Ally Schell is Main Line Girls Athlete of the Week

The senior second baseman, co-captain and leadoff hitter is batting .609 with eight triples, four doubles, nine walks and a .685 on-base percentage (as of Monday). Last summer, she was a member of a Carpenter Cup softball team. She also received an Outstanding Achievement Award as a scholar-athlete from the Triangle Club of Montgomery County. This fall, she will be attending Cabrini University, where she will play softball and volleyball.

Q: What is your approach to taking pitches as a leadoff hitter? Does your batting approach change when you come to the plate with runners on base?

A: I have similar mindsets when I’m leading off or when one of my teammates are already on base. Either way I am looking for a way to get someone or myself to the next base. Getting into scoring position is of utmost importance for Sacred Heart. I am always looking to get a good swing on a strike to put the ball in play.

Q: Sacred Heart softball coach Kevin Grogan mentioned your defensive consistency as a middle infielder. Are you primarily a second baseman, or do you play some shortstop too?

A: My natural position is second base but I can play shortstop as well. Coach Grogan saw it more advantageous for me to play the position I am most comfortable at. Also at second I feel I can communicate better to my other teammates to make sure they know what to do.

Q: As the team’s co-captain, are you the team’s on-field leader in the infield? Can you give us an example of how you exercise that on-field leadership?

A: It’s not good enough to just be given a leadership position but you must embody that leadership. To do that I lead by example and I feel communication is the most important thing for my team. Constantly talking to my teammates is a key. It keeps everyone’s head in the game and it calms them down. Since I’m in the infield, I am able to talk to my pitcher, other infielders, and outfielders too. I am able to let them know what to do with the ball and make sure they are ready for anything.

Q: What do you think is the strongest part of your game? What part of your game are you working on the most currently?

A: I love batting, and who really doesn’t? It is a lot of pressure since all the attention is on you but it’s still fun. All of my coaches have always remind me to relax and smile when I’m up to bat and I love to do just that. With that, I am always working in the batting cages. From tee work, soft toss, front toss, and the pitching machine I see a lot of simulated pitches to work on my batting form. But with that, nothing is like a pitch from a real pitcher. Batting is something I will always work on.

Q: Tell us a little about your pre-game preparation the day of a game.

A: In general, I am a fairly calm person so I don’t go running through my school’s halls the day of a game screaming my head off. I like to conserve my energy until we get on the bus or to the cars. My other senior co-captain and I actually drive the underclassmen to our home fields off campus. Since I drive a convertible, it’s a tradition to put the top and the windows down and play whatever comes on my Spotify playlist. There’s excitement that comes just from the drive to the fields that gets everyone excited.

Q: You wear uniform jersey No. 1 for Sacred Heart. Is there a reason you chose that number – does it hold any significance to you?

A: Typically I always have worn No. 1. I am fairly small and have always been on the smaller size of previous teams. When I first started playing softball, I played in a township league where the smaller numbers were the smaller t-shirts. When the coaches would get new jerseys they would see that I was obviously a small and they would end up giving me No. 1.  No. 1 is a strong connection to where I started off playing the sport I love.

Q: What (to you) has been the highlight (most memorable moment) of your Sacred Heart softball career?

A: There have been so many memorable moments throughout my years playing for Sacred Heart softball but I think the most memorable was actually from this year. We were playing Nazareth Academy at home. I thought it was going to be a normal game but it turns out I was wrong. My grand slam and triple apparently wasn’t enough for us to win this 24- 27 game. That game was amazing. Everyone on both sides were getting hits and putting balls in play. We were winning in the last inning but were weren’t able to keep Nazareth down nor were we able to score in the last inning. Even though it was a loss, I was so proud of my team and everything they did. Everyone kept their heads in the game and were focused.

Q: What was your most memorable experience as a member of a Carpenter Cup team last summer – can you share it with us?

A: Carpenters Cup was an absolute blast last summer. I am so glad I was able to be a part of that. I love talking to new people and that was a perfect opportunity to talk to new people. Because I was a part of a largely-based Philadelphia team, I was able to meet a bunch of new people. I actually was able to meet up with a few of them over the year, seeing them at travel team tournaments. But the head coach, Coach Henderson, saying that he wish he had a team full of me’s was a honor. I don’t think I could recreate those moments ever again.

Q: What did it mean to you to be a recipient for Outstanding Achievement Award as a scholar-athlete from the Triangle Club of Montgomery County?

A: Being nominated and recognized for my work was an honor as well. Being surrounded by the many stellar scholar athletes was at first intimidating. But then being reminded of all the work I have done up to that point allowed me to realize all the accomplishments I have reached.

Q: Who have been your biggest softball mentors, and what was the most important thing each of them taught you?

A: The three biggest softball mentors actually live with me, my mother, father and sister Alyssa. My mom is always a great support system for anything I do and encourages me to do the best I can in everything. She inspires me to put my whole heart into everything I do. My father started me on this journey from the beginning and has continued helping me. He works with me whenever I need help and never complains. He loves seeing me succeed in all that I do. Alyssa, my sister, inspires me constantly. She went to Sacred Heart and played softball and volleyball. She then went to Muhlenberg College and continued playing softball and volleyball [while earning] a difficult Bachelors in the Sciences. She is living proof for me, that shows that I can do anything I put my mind to.

Q: Why did you choose Cabrini?

A: I started the college search unintentionally by going with my sister on all of her college trips. Through that, when I started my official college search I told my mom: I want small, suburban, and close. A few colleges filled those requirements but walking on Cabrini’s campus I felt a special connection. After my tour and naming that my No. 1 college, my mother promptly told me, “I told you so.” She had a feeling I would be drawn to Cabrini but she never said anything. Since she had graduated from there, she didn’t want to sway my decision.

Q: You also will be playing volleyball as well as softball for Cabrini. What position(s) will you be playing for the Cavaliers?

A: For softball, my main position is second and I will hopefully be given an opportunity there. For volleyball, I am a libero and a defensive specialist. I also hope on the court I can have my skills be utilized.

Q: What did you like best about attending Sacred Heart?

A: Sacred Heart is a family, it truly is. That is why I feel a special connection to the school. I have 35 other girls graduating with me that I know I can call up any time to talk with. Also, the small class sizes allow for more one-on-one opportunities with my teachers. All around, I loved my experience at Sacred Heart and couldn’t imagine it any other way.

Fun facts – Ally Schell

Favorite book: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.

Favorite author: Charles Dickens.

Favorite TV show: Supernatural.

Favorite movie: Pitch Perfect.

Favorite athlete: Misty May- Treanor.

Favorite pre-game pump-up song: Work from Home by Fifth Harmony.

Favorite team: Phillies.

Favorite place to visit: Hershey Park.

Favorite pre-game meal: Pizza rolls.

Favorite color: Purple.

Person I most admire: “My sister- simply because she proves you can do anything you put your mind to.”

Birth date: Oct. 16.

Place of birth: Philadelphia.

Family members: Chris (dad), Rosemarie (mom) and Alyssa Schell (sister).

(To be selected Main Line Girls Athlete of the Week, a student-athlete must first be nominated by her coach.)


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