Spring-Ford at O’Hara Invitational

O’Hara Invitational >> Spring-Ford had a number of winners from a slew of Top Three finishers at Cardinal O’Hara Friday.

On the boys’ side, Spring-Ford got firsts from Stephen Chapman in the 300 hurdles (41.14), John Conner in the 3,200 (9:44.25), Josh Darlington in the pole vault (11-6), Tim Rudderow in the discus (129-4), Ricky Venuto in the javelin (143-5) and the 4×800 relay of Conner, Chris Fennimore, Milan Sharma and Eric Leidelmeyer (8:27.86). The boys also got seconds from Matt Breish in the 110 hurdles, Zach Smith in the 3,200, Chad Smiley in the pole vault, Rudderow in the shot put, and the 4×400 and 4×800 relays; and third by Patrick Power in the 3,200, Chapman in the 110 hurdles, Colin Crosbie int he 200, teddy Dylinski in the discus, Tyler Uba in the long jump and Jake Pajovich in the javelin.

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