DateEventTime/ResultsLeagueSeasonVenueArticleMatch Day
Methacton Tip-Off Classic
Friends' Central vs Penn CharterFriends School League, Inter-Academic League2015
Penn Charter
Mercy Vocational vs Kimberton WaldorfTri-County League2015
Kimberton Waldorf
Hun School vs Abington FriendsFriends School League, MAPL2015
Abington Friends
ASA vs Blair AcademyMAPL2015
Blair Academy
Phil-Mont Christian vs Perkiomen SchoolBicentennial League, Tri-County League2015
Perkiomen School
Barrack Hebrew vs Stuart Country DayTri-County League2015
Stuart Country Day
Governor Mifflin vs Garden SpotBerks Conference2015
Berks Catholic Tournament
Pope John Paul II vs Lansdale CatholicCatholic League, PAC2015
North Penn Coaches vs. Cancer
Perkiomen Valley vs North PennPAC, Suburban One League2015
North Penn Coaches vs. Cancer
Ridley vs Mount Saint JosephCatholic Academies, Central League2015
Methacton Tip Off Tournament
Exeter vs Great ValleyChes-Mont League2015
Great Valley Tip Off Tournament
Downingtown East vs OxfordChes-Mont League2015
Harriton Tip Off Tournament
Downingtown West vs ChesterChes-Mont League2015
Great Valley Tip Off Tournament
West Chester East vs HarritonChes-Mont League2015
Harriton Tip Off Tournament
Pennington School vs BristolBicentennial League2015
Bristol Tip Off Tournament
Baldwin vs Bishop LoughlinInter-Academic League2015
Abington Tip Off Tournament
Collegium Charter vs Germantown FriendsFriends School League2015
Germantown Friends Tip-Off Tournament
Marple Newtown vs Merion MercyCatholic Academies, Central League2015
Upper Merion Tip Off Tournament
Episcopal Academy vs Abington FriendsFriends School League, Inter-Academic League2015
Shipley School
Parkway Northwest vs West CatholicCatholic League2015
West Catholic
Rush vs Nazareth AcademyCatholic Academies2015
Nazareth Academy
Germantown Academy vs Allentown Central CatholicInter-Academic League2015
Overbrook vs SoudertonSuburban One League2015
Souderton Tip Off Tournament
Jenkintown vs Bishop McDevittBicentennial League, Catholic League2015
Oreland Tip Off Tournament
MaST Charter vs Franklin Towne CharterBicentennial League2015
Friends Select Tip Off Tournament
Interboro vs Bishop ShanahanChes-Mont League, Del-Val2015
Great Valley Tip Off Tournament
Plumstead Christian vs High PointBicentennial League2015
Calvary Baptist Tip Off Tournament
Calvary Christian vs George SchoolBicentennial League2015
George School Tip Off Tournament
Brandywine Heights vs HamburgBerks Conference2015
Hamburg Tip Off Tournament
Saint Hubert vs Agnes IrwinCatholic League, Inter-Academic League2015
Archbishop Ryan Tip Off Tournament
Hun School vs Friends CentralFriends School League, MAPL2015
Friends Central
Boyertown vs Paul VIPAC2015
Red Lion Tip Off Tournament
Manheim Central vs FleetwoodBerks Conference2015
Fleetwood Tip Off Tournament
Phil-Mont Christian vs Springfield-MontcoSuburban One League2015
Oreland Tip Off Tournament
Neshaminy vs Central Bucks EastSuburban One League2015
Central Bucks South
Villa Joseph Marie vs HallahanCatholic Academies2015
Hallahan Tip Off Tournament
New Foundations vs Archbishop RyanCatholic League2015
Archbishop Ryan Tip Off Tournament
West-Mont Christian vs Calvary BaptistTri-County League2015
Calvary Baptist Tournament
Christopher Dock vs PennsburyBicentennial League, Suburban One League2015
Pennridge TIp Off Tournament
New Hope-Solebury vs WissahickonBicentennial League, Suburban One League2015
Hatboro-Horsham Tip Off Tournament
Mercy Vocational vs Friends SelectFriends School League, Tri-County League2015
Friends Select Tip Off Tournament
Conwell-Egan vs Lower MorelandBicentennial League, Catholic League2015
William Tennent Tip Off Tournament
Council Rock South vs Owen J. RobertsPAC, Suburban One League2015
Owen J. Roberts Tip Off Tournament
Wyomissing vs OctoraraBerks Conference, Ches-Mont League2015
Pottsgrove Tip Off Tournament
Little Flower vs Philadelphia Academy CharterCatholic League2015
St. Basil Tip Off Tournament
Harry S. Truman vs MorrisvilleBicentennial League, Suburban One League2015
Bristol Tip Off Tournament
Muhlenberg vs LebanonBerks Conference2015
Reading vs Cedar CrestBerks Conference2015
Muhlenberg Tip Off Tournament
Solanco vs Twin ValleyBerks Conference2015
Twin Valley Tip Off Tournament
Kutztown vs Milton HersheyBerks Conference2015
Tulpehocken Tip Off Tournament
York Country Day vs TulpehockenBerks Conference2015
Tulpehocken Tip Off Tournament
Academy Park vs Strath HavenCentral League, Del-Val2015
Strath Haven
Unionville vs CoatesvilleChes-Mont League2015
West Chester Henderson
Penn Charter vs Peddie SchoolInter-Academic League, MAPL2015
Peddie Tip-Off Tournament
Perkiomen School vs. Springside-Chestnut Hill AcademyInter-Academic League, Tri-County League2015
Hill Tip-Off Tournament
Susquehanna Township vs Berks CatholicBerks Conference2015
Berks Catholic Tournament
Freedom vs QuakertownSuburban One League2015
Academy of Notre Dame vs Springfield-DelcoCentral League, Inter-Academic League2015
Palumbo vs St. Basil AcademyCatholic Academies2015
St. Basil Tip Off Tournament
Jenkintown vs Phil-Mont ChristianBicentennial League2015
Phil-Mont Christian
Chichester vs PenncrestCentral League, Del-Val2015
Pottstown vs Lancaster MennonitePAC2015
Twin Valley
Upper Perkiomen vs Upper MerionPAC2015
Upper Merion
Upper Dublin vs Central Bucks SouthSuburban One League2015
Central Bucks South Tip Off Tournament
Central Bucks West vs West Chester RustinChes-Mont League, Suburban One League2015
West Chester Rustin
Kennett vs West Chester HendersonChes-Mont League2015
West Chester Henderson
Sun Valley vs PottsgroveChes-Mont League, PAC2015
Pottsgrove Tip Off Tournament
Upper Darby vs MethactonCentral League, PAC2015
Methacton Tip Off Tournament
Life Center Academy vs WesttownFriends School League2015
Bensalem vs PennridgeSuburban One League2015
Pennridge TIp Off Tournament
Norristown vs Nazareth AreaSuburban One League2015
Freire Charter vs HaverfordCentral League2015
Phoenixville vs William TennentPAC, Suburban One League2015
William Tennent Tip Off Tournament
Governor Mifflin vs TBABerks Conference2015
Berks Catholic Tournament
Reading vs LebanonBerks Conference2015
Muhlenberg Tip Off Tournament
Boyertown vs St. John's (D.C.)PAC2015
Red Lion Tip Off Tournament
Christopher Dock vs PennridgeBicentennial League, Suburban One League2015
Pennridge TIp Off Tournament
Quakertown vs William AllenSuburban One League2015
William Allen
Bishop Loughlin vs AbingtonSuburban One League2015
Abington Tip Off Tournament
Harry S. Truman vs PenningtonSuburban One League2015
Bristol Tip Off Tournament
Plumstead Christian vs West-Mont ChristianBicentennial League2015
Calvary Baptist Tip Off Tournament
Calvary Christian vs Stuart Country DayBicentennial League2015
George School Tip Off Tournament
Ridley vs Upper DarbyCentral League2015
Methacton Tip Off Tournament
Interboro vs Downingtown WestChes-Mont League, Del-Val2015
Great Valley Tip Off Tournament
Bishop Shanahan vs ExeterChes-Mont League2015
Great Valley Tip Off Tournament
Chester vs Great ValleyChes-Mont League2015
Great Valley Tip Off Tournament
Oxford vs West Chester EastChes-Mont League2015
Harriton Tip Off Tournament
Downingtown East vs. HarritonChes-Mont League2015
Harriton Tip Off Tournament
Downingtown West vs TBAChes-Mont League2015
Great Valley Tip Off Tournament
Unionville vs West Chester HendersonChes-Mont League2015
West Chester Henderson
Merion Mercy vs Upper MerionCatholic Academies, Suburban One League2015
Upper Merion Tip Off Tournament
Philadelphia Academy Charter vs St. Basil AcademyCatholic Academies2015
St. Basil Tip Off Tournament
Villa Joseph Marie vs RushCatholic Academies2015
Hallahan Tip Off Tournament
Little Flower vs PalumboCatholic League2015
St. Basil Tip Off Tournament
Springside-Chestnut Hill vs Princeton Day SchoolInter-Academic League2015
Hill Tip-Off Tournament
Collegium Charter vs Germantown FriendsTri-County League2015
Germantown Friends Tip-Off Tournament
Mercy Vocational vs MaST CharterTri-County League2015
Friends Select Tip Off Tournament
West-Mont Christian vs TBATri-County League2015
Calvary Baptist Tournament
Franklin Towne Charter vs Friends SelectFriends School League2015
Friends Select Invitational
Lower Merion vs Our Lady of MercyCatholic Academies, Central League2015
St. Anthony's Winter Classic
Penn Charter vs Roland Park CountryInter-Academic League2015
Peddie Tip-Off Tournament
Neumann-Goretti vs WhitmanCatholic League2015
Shipley School vs Episcopal AcademyBicentennial League, Inter-Academic League2015
Episcopal Academy
Saint Hubert vs New Foundations CharterCatholic League2015
Archbishop Ryan Tip Off Tournament
Daniel Boone vs. JP McCaskeyBerks Conference2015
Oley Tip Off Tournament
Christian Academy vs Baptist Regional2015
The Christian Academy
Central Bucks East vs Upper DublinSuburban One League2015
Upper Dublin
New Hope-Solebury vs Hatboro-HorshamSuburban One League2015
Hatboro-Horsham Tip Off Tournament
Wilson vs EmmausBerks Conference2015
Mercersburg vs WesttownFriends School League, MAPL2015
Central Bucks South vs NeshaminySuburban One League2015
Upper Dublin
Germantown Academy vs SoudertonInter-Academic League, Suburban One League2015
Souderton Tip Off Tournament
Agnes Irwin vs Archbishop RyanCatholic League, Inter-Academic League2015
Archbishop Ryan Tip Off Tournament
Bishop McDevitt vs Springfield-MontcoSuburban One League2015
Oreland Tip Off Tournament
Kennett vs CoatesvilleChes-Mont League2015
West Chester Henderson
Academy Park vs PenncrestCentral League, Del-Val2015
Pope John Paul II vs North PennPAC, Suburban One League2015
North Penn Coaches vs. Cancer
St. Andrew’s School vs Hun SchoolMAPL2015
Hun School
Ephrata vs FleetwoodBerks Conference2015
Fleetwood Tip Off Tournament
Sun Valley vs WyomissingBerks Conference, Ches-Mont League2015
Pottsgrove Tip Off Tournament
Octorara vs PottsgroveChes-Mont League, PAC2015
Pottsgrove Tip Off Tournament
Conrad Weiser vs NorthamptonBerks Conference2015
Owen J. Roberts Tip Off Tournament
Schuylkill Valley vs Oley ValleyBerks Conference2015
Oley Valley
Wissahickon vs Hatboro-HorshamSuburban One League2015
Hatboro-Horsham Tip Off Tournament
Perkiomen Valley vs. Lansdale CatholicCatholic League, PAC2015
North Penn Coaches vs. Cancer
Annville-Cleona vs HamburgBerks Conference2015
Hamburg Tip Off Tournament
Brandywine Heights vs Tri-ValleyBerks Conference2015
Hamburg Tip Off Tournament
Kutztown vs TulpehockenBerks Conference2015
Tulpehocken Tip Off Tournament
Morrisville vs BristolBicentennial League2015
Council Rock South vs NorthamptonSuburban One League2015
Owen J. Roberts Tip Off Tournament
Mount Saint Joseph vs MethactonCatholic Academies, PAC2015
Methacton Tip Off Tournament
Perkiomen School vs Hill SchoolMAPL, Tri-County League2015
Hill Tip-Off Tournament
Owen J. Roberts vs Conrad WeiserBerks Conference, PAC2015
Owen J. Roberts Tip Off Tournament
Gov. Mifflin vs Berks CatholicBerks Conference2015
Berks Catholic Tournament
Pottstown vs Twin ValleyPAC2015
Twin Valley
Marple Newtown vs Upper PerkiomenPAC2015
Upper Merion
Bensalem vs PennsburySuburban One League2015
Pennridge TIp Off Tournament
Lower Moreland vs William TennentBicentennial League, Suburban One League2015
Hatboro-Horsham Tip Off Tournament
TBA vs Peddie SchoolMAPL2015
Peddie Tip-Off Tournament
Phoenixville vs. Conwell-EganCatholic League, PAC2015
Hallahan vs Nazareth AcademyCatholic Academies, Catholic League2015
Nazareth Academy
Spring-Ford vs. Paul VIPAC2015
Art Turner Memorial Tip Off Showcase
Pope John Paul II vs Bonner PrendergastCatholic League, PAC2015
Blue Chip Tip Off Classic
Bishop Shanahan vs Lansdale CatholicCatholic League, Ches-Mont League2015
Blue Chip Tip Off Classic
Archbishop Carroll vs Abington FriendsCatholic League2015
Blue Chip Tip Off Classic
Lower Merion vs AliquippaCentral League2015
St. Anthony's Winter Classic
Neumann-Goretti vs St. Francis AcademyCatholic League2015
New Foundations Charter vs West CatholicCatholic League2015
West Catholic
Cardinal O’Hara vs Bishop IretonCatholic League2015
Blue Chip Tip Off Classic
Friends Central vs Archbishop WoodCatholic League, Friends School League2015
Blue Chip Showcase
Spring-Ford vs Our Lady of Good CounselPAC2015
Art Turner Memorial Tip Off Showcase
Norristown vs HaverfordCentral League, Suburban One League2015
Mercy Vocational vs The City SchoolTri-County League2015
The City School
Friends Select vs Christian AcademyFriends School League2015
The Christian Academy
Life Center Academy vs Blair AcademyMAPL2015
Blair Academy
St. Basil Academy vs Little FlowerCatholic Academies, Catholic League2015
Little Flower
Pine Grove vs Schuylkill ValleyBerks Conference2015
Schuylkill Valley
Northern Lebanon vs TulpehockenBerks Conference2015
Sacred Heart vs MorrisvilleBicentennial League, Catholic Academies2015
Lower Moreland vs Hatboro-HorshamBicentennial League, Suburban One League2015
Phil-Mont Christian vs Plumstead ChristianBicentennial League2015
Plumstead Christian
Archbishop Carroll vs Episcopal AcademyCatholic League, Inter-Academic League2015
Episcopal Academy
West Catholic vs Agnes IrwinCatholic League, Inter-Academic League2015
Agnes Irwin
Academy of the New Church vs Barrack HebrewFriends School League, Tri-County League2015
Barrack Hebrew
Perkiomen School vs Collegium CharterTri-County League2015
Collegium Charter
Germantown Academy vs BaldwinInter-Academic League2015
Westtown vs St. Andrew's SchoolFriends School League2015
St. Andrew's School
Hun School vs LawrencevilleMAPL2015
Saint Hubert vs Mount Saint JosephCatholic Academies, Catholic League2015
Mount Saint Joseph
Academy of Notre Dame vs Villa MariaCatholic Academies, Inter-Academic League2015
Villa Maria
Springfield-Montco vs William TennentSuburban One League2015
William Tennent
Upper Moreland vs Sacred HeartCatholic Academies, Suburban One League2015
Sacred Heart
Gwynedd Mercy vs Villa Joseph MarieCatholic Academies2015
Villa Joseph Marie
Wyomissing vs Berks CatholicBerks Conference2015
Berks Catholic
Bensalem vs Little FlowerCatholic League, Suburban One League2015
Little Flower
Pequea Valley vs OctoraraChes-Mont League2015
Marple Newtown vs Garnet ValleyCentral League2015
Garnet Valley
Brandywine Heights vs Daniel BooneBerks Conference2015
Daniel Boone
Exeter vs CoatesvilleBerks Conference, Ches-Mont League2015
Governor Mifflin vs Twin ValleyBerks Conference2015
Twin Valley
Oley Valley vs FleetwoodBerks Conference2015
Wilson vs Great ValleyBerks Conference, Ches-Mont League2015
Great Valley
Kutztown vs HamburgBerks Conference2015
Cheltenham vs Audenried CharterSuburban One League2015
Audenried Charter
Mercersburg vs Shenandoah Valley Christian AcademyMAPL2015
Shenandoah Valley Christian Academy
Springside-Chestnut Hill vs Friends CentralFriends School League, Inter-Academic League2015
Friends Central
Morrisville vs BristolBicentennial League2015
Council Rock South vs Plymouth-WhitemarshSuburban One League2015
West Chester Rustin vs Upper DublinChes-Mont League, Suburban One League2015
Upper Dublin
Wissahickon vs PennridgeSuburban One League2015
Central Bucks South vs Council Rock NorthSuburban One League2015
Council Rock North
Neshaminy vs Central Bucks WestSuburban One League2015
Central Bucks West
Faith Christian vs JenkintownBicentennial League2015
Christopher Dock vs Delco ChristianBicentennial League2015
Delco Christian
New Hope-Solebury vs Lower MorelandBicentennial League2015
Lower Moreland
Penn Charter vs Shipley SchoolFriends School League, Inter-Academic League2015
Shipley School
Conestoga vs Springfield-DelcoCentral League2015
Haverford vs HarritonCentral League2015
Upper Darby vs RadnorCentral League2015
Pottsgrove vs PottstownPAC2015
Upper Perkiomen vs Pope John Paul IIPAC2015
Pope John Paul II
Avon Grove vs OxfordChes-Mont League2015
Kennett vs West Chester EastChes-Mont League2015
West Chester East
Reading vs McCaskeyBerks Conference2015
Phoenixville vs MethactonPAC2015
Boyertown vs Perkiomen ValleyPAC2015
Perkiomen Valley
Spring-Ford vs Owen J. RobertsPAC2015
Owen J. Roberts
Downingtown West vs North PennChes-Mont League, Suburban One League2015
North Penn
Ridley vs Strath HavenCentral League2015
Strath Haven
Lower Merion vs PenncrestCentral League2015
Upper Merion vs InterboroDel-Val, Suburban One League2015
Norristown vs Penn WoodDel-Val, Suburban One League2015
Penn Wood
Hill School vs Barrack HebrewMAPL, Tri-County League2015
Barrack Hebrew
Cristo Rey vs Germantown FriendsFriends School League2015
Germantown Friends
Penn Charter vs Abington FriendsFriends School League, Inter-Academic League2015
Abington Friends
Perkiomen School vs Mercy VocationalTri-County League2015
Mercy Vocational
Renaissance Academy vs Friends SelectFriends School League, Tri-County League2015
Friends Select
Tulpehocken vs Linden HallBerks Conference2015
Linden Hall
Manheim Township vs Governor MifflinBerks Conference2015
Governor Mifflin
Wyomissing vs NativityBerks Conference2015
Upper Moreland vs Harry S. TrumanSuburban One League2015
Harry S. Truman
Bonner Prendergast vs Padua AcademyCatholic League2015
Padua Academy
Villa Joseph Marie vs St. Basil AcademyCatholic Academies2015
St. Basil Academy
Collegium Charter vs New Foundations CharterTri-County League2015
New Foundations Charter
Academy of the New Church vs West-Mont ChristianFriends School League, Tri-County League2015
West-Mont Christian
Christopher Dock vs MaST CharterBicentennial League2015
MaST Charter
Delaware Valley Friends vs WoodlyndeTri-County League2015
Pine Forge Academy vs Mercy VocationalTri-County League2015
Mercy Vocational
Community Academy vs Renaissance AcademyTri-County League2015
Renaissance Academy
West Chester Rustin vs Mount Saint JosephCatholic Academies, Ches-Mont League2015
Mount Saint Joseph
Archbishop Ryan vs Nazareth AcademyCatholic Academies, Catholic League2015
Nazareth Academy
Freire Charter vs ChichesterDel-Val2015
Conrad Weiser vs MuhlenbergBerks Conference2015
Kutztown vs Schuylkill ValleyBerks Conference2015
Schuylkill Valley
Pequea Valley vs Oley ValleyBerks Conference2015
Oley Valley
Central Bucks East vs Lansdale CatholicCatholic League, Suburban One League2015
Lansdale Catholic
Pennsbury vs AbingtonSuburban One League2015
Neshaminy vs BensalemSuburban One League2015
Plumstead Christian vs JenkintownBicentennial League2015
New Hope-Solebury vs Calvary ChristianBicentennial League2015
Calvary Christian
Delco Christian vs Lower MorelandBicentennial League2015
Lower Moreland
Sacred Heart vs Academy ParkCatholic Academies, Del-Val2015
Academy Park
Gwynedd Mercy vs SoudertonCatholic Academies, Suburban One League2015
Upper Perkiomen vs Brandywine HeightsPAC2015
Brandywine Heights
Avon Grove vs West Chester EastChes-Mont League2015
West Chester East
Bishop Shanahan vs Downingtown WestChes-Mont League2015
Downingtown West
Downingtown East vs CoatesvilleChes-Mont League2015
Unionville vs Great ValleyChes-Mont League2015
Great Valley
Kennett vs Sun ValleyChes-Mont League2015
Sun Valley
Oxford vs OctoraraChes-Mont League2015
Perkiomen Valley vs Pope John Paul IIPAC2015
Pope John Paul II
Methacton vs Spring-FordPAC2015
Hill School vs Bullis SchoolMAPL2015
Bullis Tournament
Hun School vs Germantown AcademyInter-Academic League2015
Germantown Academy Winter Classic
Tacony Academy vs MaST CharterBicentennial League2015
MaST Charter
Collegium Charter vs Agnes IrwinInter-Academic League, Tri-County League2015
Agnes Irwin
Peddie School vs Stone RidgeMAPL2015
Bullis Tournament
Springfield-Montco vs WissahickonSuburban One League2015
Schuylkill Valley vs York Country DayBerks Conference2015
York Country Day
Sacred Heart vs Christopher DockBicentennial League, Catholic Academies2015
Christopher Dock
Academy of the New Church vs Shipley SchoolFriends School League2015
Shipley School
Conestoga vs Garnet ValleyCentral League2015
Garnet Valley
Daniel Boone vs Twin ValleyBerks Conference2015
Twin Valley
Fleetwood vs MuhlenbergBerks Conference2015
Hamburg vs TulpehockenBerks Conference2015
Wyomissing vs Upper DauphinBerks Conference2015
Upper Dauphin
Bristol vs Phil-Mont ChristianBicentennial League2015
Phil-Mont Christian Academy
Perkiomen School vs Pennington SchoolTri-County League2015
Pennington School
Faith Christian vs MorrisvilleBicentennial League2015
Faith Christian
Gloucester County Christian vs Delco ChristianBicentennial League2015
Delco Christian Tournament
Friends Central vs Abington FriendsFriends School League2015
Abington Friends
Chester vs MethactonDel-Val, PAC2015
Upper Merion vs CheltenhamSuburban One League2015
Upper Dublin vs NorristownSuburban One League2015
Upper Moreland vs Plymouth-WhitemarshSuburban One League2015
Pennridge vs Central Bucks EastSuburban One League2015
Central Bucks East
North Penn vs Central Bucks SouthSuburban One League2015
Central Bucks South
Quakertown vs Central Bucks WestSuburban One League2015
Central Bucks West
Hatboro-Horsham vs SoudertonSuburban One League2015
William Tennent vs Council Rock NorthSuburban One League2015
Council Rock North
Council Rock South vs Harry S. TrumanSuburban One League2015
Harry S. Truman
Ridley vs Upper DarbyCentral League2015
Upper Darby
Nazareth Academy vs Conwell-EganCatholic Academies, Catholic League2015
Germantown Friends vs WesttownFriends School League2015
Radnor vs Springfield-DelcoCentral League2015
Pottstown vs Upper PerkiomenPAC2015
Upper Perkiomen
Lawrenceville vs NeshaminySuburban One League2015
Phoenixville vs PottsgrovePAC2015
Lower Merion vs HaverfordCentral League2015
Harriton vs Strath HavenCentral League2015
Strath Haven
Marple Newtown vs PenncrestCentral League2015
Abington vs Incarnate Word AcademySuburban One League2015
Woodrow Wilson (D.C.)
Owen J. Roberts vs BoyertownPAC2015
Pope John Paul II vs MercersburgMAPL, PAC2015
Atlantic Christian vs Delco ChristianBicentennial League2015
Delco Christian Tournament
Archbishop Wood vs Baltimore City CollegeCatholic League2015
Beast of the East
Hill School vs TBAMAPL2015
Bullis Tournament
Peddie School vs St. Vincent PallottiMAPL2015
Bullis Tournament
Mercersburg vs Germantown AcademyInter-Academic League2015
Germantown Academy Winter Classic
Saint Hubert vs CatonsvilleCatholic League2015
Neumann-Goretti vs WesternCatholic League2015
Archmere Academy vs Villa MariaCatholic Academies2015
Villa Maria
Pennsbury vs EmmausSuburban One League2015
West York vs Daniel BooneBerks Conference2015
Daniel Boone
Hempfield vs Governor MifflinBerks Conference2015
Governor Mifflin
Kennett vs WilsonBerks Conference, Ches-Mont League2015
York Catholic vs Berks CatholicBerks Conference2015
Berks Catholic
Notre Dame Green Pond vs Council Rock SouthSuburban One League2015
Council Rock South
Oxford vs PhoenixvilleChes-Mont League, PAC2015
Cheltenham vs Academy ParkDel-Val, Suburban One League2015
Academy Park
Norristown vs Downingtown WestChes-Mont League, Suburban One League2015
Downingtown West
Mount Saint Joseph vs Council Rock NorthCatholic Academies, Suburban One League2015
Council Rock North
Sun Valley vs Avon GroveChes-Mont League2015
Avon Grove
Osborne Park vs CoatesvilleChes-Mont League2015
Academy of Notre Dame vs Gwynedd MercyCatholic Academies, Inter-Academic League2015
Gwynedd Mercy
Perkiomen School vs Solebury SchoolTri-County League2015
Solebury School
Spring-Ford vs PotomacPAC2015
McKinely Tech
Forest Trail vs Blair AcademyMAPL2015
She Got Game Classic
Garnet Valley vs West Chester RustinCentral League, Ches-Mont League2015
West Chester Rustin
Twin Valley vs Oley ValleyBerks Conference2015
Oley Valley
West Chester Henderson vs Owen J. RobertsChes-Mont League, PAC2015
Owen J. Roberts
Saucon Valley vs QuakertownSuburban One League2015
North Penn vs Nansemond RiverSuburban One League2015
Washington D.C. Tournament
Marple Newtown vs Plymouth-WhitemarshCentral League, Suburban One League2015
Abington vs Stonewall JacksonSuburban One League2015
Woodrow Wilson (D.C.)
Pope John Paul II vs Hun SchoolMAPL, PAC2015
Germantown Academy Tournament, Hun School
Perkiomen School vs Calvary Christian (N.J.)Tri-County League2015
Abington Friends vs RadnorCentral League, Friends School League2015
Christian Academy vs Gloucester County Christian2015
Delco Christian Tournament
Shipley School vs Grand St. Campus (N.Y.)Friends School League2015
Washington Tournament
Peddie School vs St. AndrewsMAPL2015
Bullis Tournament
Freire Charter vs West CatholicCatholic League2015
West Catholic
Saint Hubert vs Roland Park CountryCatholic League2015
St. Basil Academy vs Bishop McDevittCatholic Academies, Catholic League2015
Bishop McDevitt
St. John’s College HS vs North PennSuburban One League2015
Washington D.C. Tournament
Elizabeth Seton vs Blair AcademyMAPL2015
She Got Game Classic
Palumbo vs HallahanCatholic League2015
Collegium Charter vs Delaware Valley FriendsTri-County League2015
Delaware Valley Friends
Chichester vs Upper MorelandDel-Val, Suburban One League2015
Upper Moreland
Kings Christian vs Mercy VocationalTri-County League2015
Mercy Vocational
Friends Central vs Pennington SchoolFriends School League2015
Pennington School
Sacred Heart vs Barrack HebrewCatholic Academies, Tri-County League2015
Barrack Hebrew
Governor Mifflin vs Central DauphinBerks Conference2015
Central Dauphin
Antietam vs Schuylkill ValleyBerks Conference2015
Schuylkill Valley
Lawrenceville vs Life Center AcademyMAPL2015
Life Center Academy
Pottstown vs Sun ValleyPAC2015
Sun Valley
Upper Perkiomen vs PalisadesPAC2015
Octorara vs Twin ValleyBerks Conference, Ches-Mont League2015
Twin Valley
Norristown vs PottsgrovePAC, Suburban One League2015
Conestoga vs InterboroCentral League, Del-Val2015
Springside-Chestnut Hill vs Abington FriendsFriends School League, Inter-Academic League2015
Abington Friends
Germantown Friends vs George SchoolFriends School League2015
George School
Delco Christian vs Calvary ChristianBicentennial League2015
Calvary Christian
Villa Maria vs Mount Saint JosephCatholic Academies2015
Mount Saint Joseph
Academy of Notre Dame vs Agnes IrwinInter-Academic League2015
Agnes Irwin
Baldwin vs Penn CharterInter-Academic League2015
Penn Charter
Barrack Hebrew vs Friends SelectFriends School League, Tri-County League2015
Friends Select
Westtown vs Perkiomen SchoolFriends School League, Tri-County League2015
Perkiomen School
Merion Mercy vs St. Basil AcademyCatholic Academies2015
St. Basil Academy
Berks Catholic vs Conrad WeiserBerks Conference2015
Conrad Weiser
Blue Mountain vs HamburgBerks Conference2015
Kutztown vs Brandywine HeightsBerks Conference2015
Brandywine Heights
Penn Wood vs Bonner PrendergastCatholic League, Del-Val2015
Bonner Prendergast
Archbishop Ryan vs West CatholicCatholic League2015
West Catholic
Hallahan vs Saint HubertCatholic League2015
Saint Hubert
St. James School vs MercersburgMAPL2015
Villa Joseph Marie vs Sun ValleyCatholic Academies, Ches-Mont League2015
Sun Valley
Pope John Paul II vs PhoenixvillePAC2015
Cheltenham vs Upper DublinSuburban One League2015
Upper Dublin
Norristown vs Springfield-MontcoSuburban One League2015
Plymouth-Whitemarsh vs Upper MerionSuburban One League2015
Upper Merion
Wissahickon vs Upper MorelandSuburban One League2015
Upper Moreland
Central Bucks East vs North PennSuburban One League2015
North Penn
Central Bucks South vs Hatboro-HorshamSuburban One League2015
Central Bucks West vs PennridgeSuburban One League2015
Souderton vs QuakertownSuburban One League2015
Abington vs NeshaminySuburban One League2015
Bensalem vs Council Rock SouthSuburban One League2015
Council Rock South
Council Rock North vs PennsburySuburban One League2015
Harry S. Truman vs William TennentSuburban One League2015
William Tennent
Bristol vs Plumstead ChristianBicentennial League2015
Plumstead Christian
Jenkintown vs MorrisvilleBicentennial League2015
Lower Moreland vs Christopher DockBicentennial League2015
Christopher Dock
MaST Charter vs New Hope-SoleburyBicentennial League2015
New Hope-Solebury
Archbishop Carroll vs Conwell-EganCatholic League2015
Archbishop Wood vs Neumann-GorettiCatholic League2015
Lansdale Catholic vs Bishop McDevittCatholic League2015
Bishop McDevitt
Ridley vs ConestogaCentral League2015
Lower Merion vs Garnet ValleyCentral League2015
Garnet Valley
Radnor vs HarritonCentral League2015
Springfield-Delco vs Marple NewtownCentral League2015
Marple Newtown
Owen J. Roberts vs PottstownPAC2015
Pottsgrove vs Upper PerkiomenPAC2015
Upper Perkiomen
Downingtown East vs Avon GroveChes-Mont League2015
Avon Grove
West Chester East vs Bishop ShanahanChes-Mont League2015
Bishop Shanahan
West Chester Henderson vs CoatesvilleChes-Mont League2015
West Chester Rustin vs Great ValleyChes-Mont League2015
Great Valley
Octorara vs KennettChes-Mont League2015
Unionville vs OxfordChes-Mont League2015
Muhlenberg vs ReadingBerks Conference2015
Spring-Ford vs BoyertownPAC2015
Perkiomen Valley vs MethactonPAC2015
Upper Darby vs HaverfordCentral League2015
Strath Haven vs PenncrestCentral League2015
Episcopal Academy at Germantown AcademyInter-Academic League2015
Germantown Academy
Cardinal O'Hara vs Little FlowerCatholic League2015
Little Flower
Sacred Heart vs ChesterCatholic League, Del-Val2015
Gloucester County Christian vs Christian Academy2015
The Christian Academy
George School vs MorrisvilleBicentennial League2015
Mercy Vocational vs Delaware Valley FriendsTri-County League2015
Delaware Valley Friends
Hill School vs West-Mont ChristianMAPL, Tri-County League2015
West-Mont Christian
Phil-Mont Christian vs The Christian AcademyBicentennial League2015
The Christian Academy
Episcopal Academy vs Friends CentralFriends School League, Inter-Academic League2015
Friends Central
Brandywine Heights vs Boiling SpringsBerks Conference2015
Boiling Springs
Trinity vs Berks CatholicBerks Conference2015
Berks Catholic
Interboro vs RadnorCentral League, Del-Val2015
Lawrenceville vs Kingswood Oxford SchoolMAPL2015
Kingswood Oxford Tournament
Overbrook vs HallahanCatholic League2015
Delaware Valley Friends vs Academy of the New ChurchFriends School League, Tri-County League2015
Academy of the New Church
Morrisville vs Phil-Mont ChristianBicentennial League2015
Phil-Mont Christian
Academy of Notre Dame vs BaldwinInter-Academic League2015
Solebury School vs Abington FriendsFriends School League2015
Abington Friends
Nazareth Academy vs Mount Saint JosephCatholic Academies2015
Mount Saint Joseph
St. Basil Academy vs Gwynedd MercyCatholic Academies2015
Gwynedd Mercy
Villa Maria vs Merion MercyCatholic Academies2015
Merion Mercy
Villa Joseph Marie vs Sacred HeartCatholic Academies2015
Sacred Heart
Chester vs WilsonBerks Conference2015
Berks Catholic vs Schuylkill ValleyBerks Conference2015
Schuylkill Valley
Hamburg vs Conrad WeiserBerks Conference2015
Conrad Weiser
Fleetwood vs Twin ValleyBerks Conference2015
Twin Valley
Kutztown vs WyomissingBerks Conference2015
Kennett vs UnionvilleChes-Mont League2015
Daniel Boone vs MuhlenbergBerks Conference2015
Penn Wood vs CheltenhamDel-Val, Suburban One League2015
William Tennent vs NeshaminySuburban One League2015
Bristol vs JenkintownBicentennial League2015
Faith Christian vs Plumstead ChristianBicentennial League2015
Plumstead Christian
MaST Charter vs Lower MorelandBicentennial League2015
Lower Moreland
Conwell-Egan vs Academy ParkCatholic League, Del-Val2015
Academy Park
Spring-Ford vs PottstownPAC2015
West Catholic vs Bonner PrendergastCatholic League2015
Bonner Prendergast
West Chester Henderson vs Avon GroveChes-Mont League2015
Avon Grove
Downingtown East vs Bishop ShanahanChes-Mont League2015
Bishop Shanahan
Sun Valley vs OctoraraChes-Mont League2015
West Chester Rustin vs OxfordChes-Mont League2015
West Chester East vs Downingtown WestChes-Mont League2015
Downingtown West
Phoenixville vs Perkiomen ValleyPAC2015
Perkiomen Valley
Archbishop Wood vs Vanden (Calif.)Catholic League2015
Nike Tournament
Germantown Friends vs Princeton DayFriends School League2015
Stuart Country Day Tournament
Hill School vs Agnes IrwinInter-Academic League, MAPL2015
Westtown Tournament
Hun School vs WesttownFriends School League, MAPL2015
Westtown Invitational
Collegium Charter vs Phil-Mont ChristianBicentennial League, Tri-County League2015
Phil-Mont Christian
Friends Central vs Carolina FriendsFriends School League2015
Quakertown Invitational
Penn Charter vs Archbishop RyanCatholic League, Inter-Academic League2015
Germantown Academy
Faith Christian vs Calvary BaptistBicentennial League2015
Friends Select vs MorrisvilleBicentennial League2015
Plumstead Christian vs Lincoln Leadership AcademyBicentennial League2015
Lincoln Leadership Academy
Chichester vs The Christian AcademyDel-Val2015
The Christian Academy
Brandywine Heights vs Oley ValleyBerks Conference2015
Oley Valley
Strath Haven vs Springfield-DelcoCentral League2015
Haverford vs RidleyCentral League2015
Harriton vs PenncrestCentral League2015
Radnor vs Marple NewtownCentral League2015
Marple Newtown
Exeter vs ReadingBerks Conference2015
McDonogh School vs Germantown AcademyInter-Academic League2015
Germantown Academy
Springfield-Montco vs CheltenhamSuburban One League2015
Upper Merion vs NorristownSuburban One League2015
Wissahickon vs Plymouth-WhitemarshSuburban One League2015
Upper Moreland vs Upper DublinSuburban One League2015
Upper Dublin
Hatboro-Horsham vs Central Bucks EastSuburban One League2015
Central Bucks East
Pennridge vs Central Bucks SouthSuburban One League2015
Central Bucks South
Souderton vs Central Bucks WestSuburban One League2015
Central Bucks West
Quakertown vs North PennSuburban One League2015
North Penn
Council Rock South vs AbingtonSuburban One League2015
Pennsbury vs BensalemSuburban One League2015
Harry S. Truman vs Council Rock NorthSuburban One League2015
Council Rock North
Calvary Christian vs Christopher DockBicentennial League2015
Christopher Dock
Hallahan vs Archbishop CarrollCatholic League2015
Archbishop Carroll
Neumann-Goretti vs Lansdale CatholicCatholic League2015
Lansdale Catholic
Conestoga vs Lower MerionCentral League2015
Lower Merion
Upper Darby vs Garnet ValleyCentral League2015
Garnet Valley
Upper Perkiomen vs Owen J. RobertsPAC2015
Owen J. Roberts
Cardinal O’Hara vs Bishop McDevittCatholic League2015
Bishop McDevitt
Pope John Paul II vs BoyertownPAC2015
Pottsgrove vs MethactonPAC2015
Archbishop Wood vs Harrison (Ga.)Catholic League2015
Nike Tournament
Agnes Irwin vs WesttownFriends School League, Inter-Academic League2015
Westtown Tournament
Germantown Friends vs Doane AcademyFriends School League2015
Stuart Country Day Tournament
Blair Academy vs Staten Island AcademyMAPL2015
Festival of the Phoenix
Hill School vs TBAMAPL2015
Westtown Tournament
Lawrenceville vs TBAMAPL2015
Kingswood Oxford Tournament
Friends Central vs Northwood Temple (N.C.)Friends School League2015
Quakertown Invitational
Penn Charter vs McDonogh SchoolInter-Academic League2015
Germantown Academy
St. Basil Academy vs Sacred HeartCatholic Academies2015
Sacred Heart
Boyertown vs Governor MifflinBerks Conference, PAC2015
Governor Mifflin
Wilson vs CoatesvilleBerks Conference, Ches-Mont League2015
Blue Mountain vs Conrad WeiserBerks Conference2015
Conrad Weiser
Emmaus vs HamburgBerks Conference2015
Christopher Dock vs Springfield-MontcoBicentennial League, Suburban One League2015
Harry S. Truman vs PennridgeSuburban One League2015
Master Charter North vs Abington FriendsBicentennial League, Friends School League2015
Abington Friends
Downingtown West vs ConestogaCentral League, Ches-Mont League2015
Pennsbury vs Lower MerionCentral League, Suburban One League2015
Lower Merion
Oxford vs West Chester HendersonChes-Mont League2015
West Chester Henderson
Academy Park vs HarritonCentral League, Del-Val2015
William Tennent vs New Hope-SoleburyBicentennial League, Suburban One League2015
New Hope-Solebury
Strath Haven vs Academy of Notre DameCentral League, Inter-Academic League2015
Academy of Notre Dame
Plymouth-Whitemarsh vs KennettChes-Mont League, Suburban One League2015
Garnet Valley vs UnionvilleCentral League, Ches-Mont League2015
Phoenixville vs Great ValleyChes-Mont League, PAC2015
Great Valley
Penn Wood vs Downingtown EastChes-Mont League, Del-Val2015
Downingtown East
Gwynedd Mercy vs Mount Saint JosephCatholic Academies2015
Mount Saint Joseph
Merion Mercy vs Villa Joseph MarieCatholic Academies2015
Villa Joseph Marie
Nazareth Academy vs Villa MariaCatholic Academies2015
Villa Maria
Baldwin vs JenkintownBicentennial League, Inter-Academic League2015
Penncrest vs Avon GroveCentral League, Ches-Mont League2015
Avon Grove
Tulpehocken vs Schuylkill ValleyBerks Conference2015
Schuylkill Valley
Fleetwood vs Owen J. RobertsBerks Conference, PAC2015
Owen J. Roberts
Lansdale Catholic vs MethactonCatholic League, PAC2015
Archbishop Ryan vs Germantown AcademyCatholic League, Inter-Academic League2015
Germantown Academy
Hill School vs Hun SchoolMAPL2015
Westtown Invitational
Archbishop Wood vs Morristown West (Tenn.)Catholic League2015
Nike Tournament
Blair Academy vs Patrick SchoolMAPL2015
Festival of the Phoenix
Lawrenceville vs TBAMAPL2015
Kingswood Oxford Tournament
Peddie School vs TBAMAPL2015
Festival of the Phoenix
Bishop McDevitt vs Pope John XXIIICatholic League2015
Germantown Friends vs MontgomeryFriends School League2015
Stuart Country Day Tournament
Motivation vs West CatholicCatholic League2015
West Catholic
Kensington vs HallahanCatholic League2015
Calvary Christian vs MaST CharterBicentennial League2015
MaST Charter
Christopher Dock vs New Hope-SoleburyBicentennial League2015
New Hope-Solebury
Academy Park vs Little FlowerCatholic League, Del-Val2015
Little Flower
Cristo Rey vs Barrack HebrewTri-County League2015
Barrack Hebrew
Octorara vs ChichesterChes-Mont League2015
Hamburg vs FleetwoodBerks Conference2015
Twin Valley vs Brandywine HeightsBerks Conference2015
Brandywine Heights
Oley Valley vs AntietamBerks Conference2015
Tulpehocken vs WyomissingBerks Conference2015
Delco Christian vs Sacred HeartBicentennial League, Catholic Academies2015
Sacred Heart
Daniel Boone vs WilsonBerks Conference2015
Governor Mifflin vs ExeterBerks Conference2015
Cardinal O’Hara vs Gloucester CatholicCatholic League2015
Gloucester Catholic
Kutztown vs PottstownPAC2015
Harrisburg vs ReadingBerks Conference2015
Agnes Irwin vs. Faith ChristianBicentennial League, Catholic Academies2015
Agnes Irwin
The Christian Academy vs. Bristol2015
Archbishop Wood vs Lincoln (Texas)Catholic League2015
Nike Tournament
Sacred Heart vs Mount Saint JosephCatholic Academies2015
Mount Saint Joseph
Baldwin vs Shipley SchoolFriends School League, Inter-Academic League2015
Shipley School
William Tennent vs Council Rock SouthSuburban One League2015
Council Rock South
Delco Christian vs MaST CharterBicentennial League2015
MaST Charter
Philadelphia Academy Charter vs HallahanCatholic League2015
Agnes Irwin vs Springside-Chestnut HillInter-Academic League2015
Springside-Chestnut Hill
Gwynedd Mercy vs Villa MariaCatholic Academies2015
Villa Maria
Nazareth Academy vs Merion MercyCatholic Academies2015
Merion Mercy
Penn Charter vs Academy of Notre DameInter-Academic League2015
Academy of Notre Dame
Abington vs BensalemSuburban One League2015
Schuylkill Valley vs Twin ValleyBerks Conference2015
Twin Valley
Oley Valley vs MuhlenbergBerks Conference2015
Council Rock North vs NeshaminySuburban One League2015
Cheltenham vs NorristownSuburban One League2015
Upper Dublin vs Plymouth-WhitemarshSuburban One League2015
Upper Moreland vs Springfield-MontcoSuburban One League2015
Central Bucks East vs Central Bucks SouthSuburban One League2015
Central Bucks South
North Penn vs Central Bucks WestSuburban One League2015
Central Bucks West
Quakertown vs Hatboro-HorshamSuburban One League2015
Pennridge vs SoudertonSuburban One League2015
Pennsbury vs Harry S. TrumanSuburban One League2015
Harry S. Truman
Bristol vs Faith ChristianBicentennial League2015
Faith Christian
Phil-Mont Christian vs JenkintownBicentennial League2015
Lower Moreland vs Calvary ChristianBicentennial League2015
Calvary Christian
Villa Joseph Marie vs Saint HubertCatholic Academies, Catholic League2015
Saint Hubert
Conestoga vs RadnorCentral League2015
Garnet Valley vs Springfield-DelcoCentral League2015
Ridley vs HarritonCentral League2015
Lower Merion vs Marple NewtownCentral League2015
Marple Newtown
Pottstown vs Pope John Paul IIPAC2015
Pope John Paul II
Phoenixville vs Upper PerkiomenPAC2015
Upper Perkiomen
Avon Grove vs CoatesvilleChes-Mont League2015
Bishop Shanahan vs West Chester HendersonChes-Mont League2015
West Chester Henderson
Oxford vs Great ValleyChes-Mont League2015
Great Valley
Downingtown West vs Downingtown EastChes-Mont League2015
Downingtown East
Sun Valley vs UnionvilleChes-Mont League2015
Owen J. Roberts vs Perkiomen ValleyPAC2015
Perkiomen Valley
Pottsgrove vs Spring-FordPAC2015
Boyertown vs MethactonPAC2015
Upper Darby vs Strath HavenCentral League2015
Strath Haven
West Chester East vs InterboroChes-Mont League, Del-Val2015
Haverford vs PenncrestCentral League2015
Audenried Charter vs West CatholicCatholic League2015
West Catholic
Chichester vs Girls High2015
Souderton vs Council Rock SouthSuburban One League2015
Council Rock South
Upper Darby vs Academy ParkCentral League, Del-Val2015
Academy Park
Delco Christian vs New Hope-SoleburyBicentennial League2015
New Hope-Solebury
Wilson vs Governor MifflinBerks Conference2015
Governor Mifflin
Hamburg vs WyomissingBerks Conference2015
Antietam vs TulpehockenBerks Conference2015
Upper Merion vs MethactonPAC, Suburban One League2015
Neumann-Goretti vs Germantown AcademyCatholic League, Inter-Academic League2015
Germantown Academy
Reading vs CoatesvilleBerks Conference, Ches-Mont League2015
Radnor vs Archbishop RyanCatholic League, Central League2015
Wildwood Boardwalk Classic
Oxford vs St. Mark'sChes-Mont League2015
Diamond State Classic
West Chester Rustin vs Saint HubertChes-Mont League2015
West Chester University Tournament
Shipley School vs TrinityFriends School League2015
West Chester Tournament
Radnor vs Cedar CreekCentral League2015
Wildwood Boardwalk Classic
Coatesville vs Villa MariaCatholic Academies, Ches-Mont League2015
West Chester University Tournament
East Stroudsburg vs FleetwoodBerks Conference2015
Kutztown University
Merion Mercy vs Bulloch Academy (Ga.)Catholic Academies2015
Carolina Holiday Tournament (Charleson, S.C.)
Archbishop Ryan vs Atlantic City (N.J.)Catholic League2015
Wildwood Boardwalk Classic
Neumann-Goretti vs Bishop LoughlinCatholic League2015
Diamond State Classic
Haverford vs Wildwood CatholicCentral League2015
Wildwood Boardwalk Classic
Penn Charter vs Egg Harbor Township (N.J.)Inter-Academic League2015
Wildwood Boardwalk Classic
Owen J. Roberts vs. HarrisburgPAC2015
West Chester University Tournament
Methacton vs Newark AcademyPAC2015
Wildwood Boardwalk Classic
Bonner Prendergast vs UmatillaCatholic League2015
Daytona Tournament
Oley Valley vs SalisburyBerks Conference2015
Salisbury Holiday Tournament
Notre Dame Academy vs Downingtown WestChes-Mont League, Suburban One League2015
Downingtown West Holiday Tournament
Hatboro-Horsham vs FreedomSuburban One League2015
Salisbury Holiday Tournament
Council Rock South vs Allentown Central CatholicSuburban One League2015
Central Catholic Holiday Tournament
Calvary Christian vs Baptist RegionalBicentennial League2015
MaST Charter vs Wildwood (N.J.)Bicentennial League2015
Wildwood Boardwalk Classic
Oxford vs William Penn (Del.)Ches-Mont League2015
Diamond State Classic
West Chester Rustin vs HarrisburgChes-Mont League2015
West Chester University Tournament
West Chester Henderson vs Archmere (Del.)Ches-Mont League2015
Garnet Valley Holiday Tournament
St. Basil Academy vs Davy Crockett (Tenn.)Catholic Academies2015
Carolina Holiday Tournament (Charleson, S.C.)
Archbishop Carroll vs Northwood Temple (N.C.)Catholic League2015
Carolina Holiday Tournament (Charleson, S.C.)
Episcopal Academy vs Cardinal O'HaraCatholic League2015
Cardinal O'Hara Holiday Tournament
Central Bucks South vs Upper DarbyCentral League, Suburban One League2015
Downingtown West Holiday Tournament
Gwynedd Mercy vs Whitmer (Ohio)Catholic Academies2015
Windermere Prep Tournament
Haverford vs Penn CharterCentral League2015
Wildwood Boardwalk Classic
Cristo Rey vs West CatholicCatholic League2015
West Catholic
Bishop McDevitt vs Villa MariaCatholic Academies, Catholic League2015
West Chester University Tournament
Interboro vs Bartram2015
Interboro Holiday Tournament
Upper Merion vs WissahickonSuburban One League2015
Merion Mercy vs Porter-Gaud (S.C.)Catholic Academies2015
Carolina Holiday Tournament (Charleson, S.C.)
Hamburg vs ExeterBerks Conference2015
Bishop Shanahan vs NorristownChes-Mont League, Suburban One League2015
Marple Newtown Holiday Tournament
Academy Park vs Garnet ValleyCentral League, Del-Val2015
Garnet Valley Holiday Tournament
Harry S. Truman vs Trenton CatholicSuburban One League2015
Trenton Catholic
New Foundations Charter vs William TennentSuburban One League2015
William Tennent Holiday Tournament
Palisades vs Upper PerkiomenPAC2015
William Tennent Holiday Tournament
Cheltenham vs Prep CharterSuburban One League2015
Prep Charter
Central Bucks East vs Padua AcademySuburban One League2015
Diamond State Classic
Pennridge vs Freire CharterSuburban One League2015
Boyertown Holiday Classic
York vs ReadingBerks Conference2015
Reading Invitational
Sacred Heart vs Upper MorelandCatholic Academies, Suburban One League2015
Robert Hopf Tournament
Twin Valley vs South WesternBerks Conference2015
York Suburban Holiday Tournament
Gloucester Catholic vs AbingtonSuburban One League2015
Cardinal O'Hara Holiday Tournament
Sun Valley vs PenncrestCentral League, Ches-Mont League2015
Interboro Holiday Tournament
Souderton vs Southern LehighSuburban One League2015
Central Catholic Holiday Tournament
Daniel Boone vs BoyertownBerks Conference, PAC2015
Boyertown Holiday Classic
Christian Academy vs New Hope-SoleburyBicentennial League2015
Owen J. Roberts vs. Abington FriendsFriends School League, PAC2015
Springfield-Montco vs JenkintownBicentennial League, Suburban One League2015
Robert Hopf Tournament
Schuylkill Valley vs MuhlenbergBerks Conference2015
Muhlenberg Holiday Tournament
Friends Central vs Holy CrossFriends School League2015
Cardinal O'Hara Tournament
Phoenixville vs. Marple NewtownPAC2015
Marple Newtown Holiday Tournament
Central Bucks West vs West Springfield (Va.)Suburban One League2015
Boo Williams Tournament
Methacton vs. Middle TownshipPAC2015
Wildwood Boardwalk Classic
Coatesville vs. ShipleyChes-Mont League2015
West Chester University Tournament
Daniel Boone vs Freire CharterBerks Conference2015
Boyertown Holiday Classic
Conrad Weiser vs Cedar CrestBerks Conference2015
Eastern York Holiday Tournament
Oley Valley vs FreedomBerks Conference2015
Salisbury Holiday Tournament
Conestoga Valley vs WyomissingBerks Conference2015
Wyomissing Holiday Tournament
Pope John Paul II vs Mount Saint JosephPAC2015
George W. Snear Tournament
Perkiomen Valley vs WissahickonPAC2015
Upper Merion Holiday Tournament
Spring-Ford vs Villa Joseph MariePAC2015
Upper Dublin Holiday Tournament
Hatboro-Horsham vs SalisburySuburban One League2015
Salisbury Holiday Tournament
Phil-Mont Christian vs QuakertownBicentennial League, Suburban One League2015
Neshaminy Holiday Tournament
Abington vs TBA2015
Cardinal O'Hara Holiday Tournament
Conwell-Egan vs NeshaminyCatholic League, Suburban One League2015
Neshaminy Holiday Tournament
Calvary Christian vs Mount Airy ChristianBicentennial League2015
MaST Charter vs St. Joseph (N.J.)Bicentennial League2015
Wildwood Boardwalk Classic
Springfield-Delco vs Nazareth AcademyCatholic Academies, Central League2015
Wildwood Boardwalk Classic
Strath Haven vs ChesterCentral League2015
Ridley Holiday Tournament
Upper Darby vs Downingtown WestCentral League, Ches-Mont League2015
Downingtown West Holiday Tournament
Academy Park vs Archmere AcademyDel-Val2015
Garnet Valley Holiday Tournament
Downingtown East vs Ocean City (NJ)Ches-Mont League2015
Wildwood Boardwalk Classic
West Chester East vs BodineChes-Mont League2015
Plymouth-Whitemarsh Holiday Tournament
West Chester Henderson vs Garnet ValleyChes-Mont League2015
Garnet Valley Holiday Tournament
St. Basil Academy vs Rocky River (Ohio)Catholic Academies2015
Carolina Holiday Tournament (Charleson, S.C.)
Archbishop Carroll vs BullisCatholic League2015
Carolina Holiday Tournament (Charleson, S.C.)
Cherokee vs Cardinal O'HaraCatholic League2015
Cardinal O'Hara Holiday Tournament
Agnes Irwin vs Lansdale CatholicInter-Academic League2015
Fellowship Tournament
Gwynedd Mercy vs Spencer County (Ky.)Catholic Academies2015
Windermere Prep Tournament
Shipley School vs HarrisburgFriends School League2015
West Chester Tournament
Friends Central vs Gloucester CatholicFriends School League2015
Cardinal O'Hara Tournament
Germantown Academy vs Lake Highland Prep (Fla.)Inter-Academic League2015
Naples Holiday Shootout
Bensalem vs Plymouth-WhitemarshSuburban One League2015
Plymouth-Whitemarsh Holiday Tournament
Saint Hubert vs Villa MariaCatholic Academies, Catholic League2015
West Chester University Tournament
New Hope-Solebury vs South HunterdonBicentennial League2015
Central Bucks South vs Academy of Notre DameInter-Academic League, Suburban One League2015
Downingtown West Holiday Tournament
Baldwin vs Lower MorelandBicentennial League, Inter-Academic League2015
Abington Friends
Kennett vs. Kennard DaleChes-Mont League2015
Muhlenberg Holiday Tournament
Bonner Prendergast vs Franklin County2015
Daytona Tournament
Penncrest vs BartramCentral League2015
Interboro Holiday Tournament
Interboro vs Sun ValleyChes-Mont League, Del-Val2015
Interboro Holiday Tournament
Marple Newtown vs Bishop ShanahanCentral League, Ches-Mont League2015
Marple Newtown Holiday Tournament
Christian Academy vs Pennsauken Tech2015
Ridley vs Simon GratzCentral League2015
Ridley Holiday Tournament
Merion Mercy vs Mastery Charter NorthCatholic Academies2015
Carolina Holiday Tournament (Charleson, S.C.)
Conestoga vs Atlantic Christian (NJ)Central League2015
Wildwood Boardwalk Classic
Neumann-Goretti vs St. Rose (N.J.)Catholic League2015
Diamond State Classic
Phoenixville vs NorristownPAC, Suburban One League2015
Marple Newtown Holiday Tournament
Upper Perkiomen vs New Foundations CharterPAC2015
William Tennent Holiday Tournament
Sacred Heart vs Springfield-MontcoCatholic Academies, Suburban One League2015
Robert Hopf Tournament
Hempfield vs ReadingBerks Conference2015
Reading Invitational
Council Rock South vs SoudertonSuburban One League2015
Central Catholic Holiday Tournament
Berks Catholic vs Council Rock NorthBerks Conference, Suburban One League2015
Wildwood Boardwalk Classic
Owen J. Roberts vs Bishop McDevittCatholic League, PAC2015
West Chester Tournament
Twin Valley vs Mifflin CountyBerks Conference2015
York Suburban Holiday Tournament
Brandywine Heights vs SusquehannockBerks Conference2015
Central York Holiday Tournament
Pennridge vs BoyertownPAC, Suburban One League2015
Boyertown Holiday Classic
Palisades vs William TennentSuburban One League2015
William Tennent Holiday Tournament
Abington Friends vs Franklin Towne CharterFriends School League2015
Coaches vs. Cancer Tournament
Springside-Chestnut Hill vs Upper DublinSuburban One League2015
Upper Dublin Holiday Tournament
Pottstown vs ExeterPAC2015
Upper Moreland vs JenkintownBicentennial League, Suburban One League2015
Robert Hopf Tournament
Wilson vs WarwickBerks Conference2015
Warwick Tournament
Pottsgrove vs LibertyPAC2015
Central Bucks West vs King's Fork (Va.)Suburban One League2015
Boo Williams Tournament
Episcopal Academy vs Bethlehem CatholicInter-Academic League2015
Cardinal O'Hara Holiday Tournament
Strath Haven vs Simon GratzCentral League2015
Ridley Holiday Tournament
Exeter vs Conestoga ValleyBerks Conference2015
Wyomissing Holiday Tournament
Wilson vs SolancoBerks Conference2015
Warwick Tournament
Berks Catholic vs Ocean CityBerks Conference2015
Wildwood Tournament
Conrad Weiser vs Spring GroveBerks Conference2015
Eastern York Holiday Tournament
Schuylkill Valley vs Kennard-DaleBerks Conference2015
Muhlenberg Holiday Tournament
Brandywine Heights vs York CatholicBerks Conference2015
Central York Holiday Tournament
Central Bucks West vs Lake Taylor (Va.)Suburban One League2015
Boo Williams Tournament
Conwell-Egan vs QuakertownCatholic League, Suburban One League2015
Neshaminy Holiday Tournament
Phil-Mont Christian vs NeshaminyBicentennial League, Suburban One League2015
Neshaminy Holiday Tournament
Springfield-Delco vs Atlantic TechCentral League2015
Wildwood Boardwalk Classic
Mount Saint Joseph vs Agnes IrwinCatholic Academies2015
George W. Snear Tournament
St. Basil Academy vs Bishop England (S.C.)Catholic Academies2015
Carolina Holiday Tournament (Charleson, S.C.)
Villa Joseph Marie vs Springside-Chestnut HillCatholic Academies2015
Upper Dublin Holiday Tournament
Archbishop Carroll vs HammondCatholic League2015
Carolina Holiday Tournament (Charleson, S.C.)
Lansdale Catholic vs Pope John Paul IICatholic League, PAC2015
Fellowship Tournament
Conestoga vs Camden Catholic (NJ)Central League2015
Wildwood Boardwalk Classic
Lower Moreland vs Abington FriendsBicentennial League, Friends School League2015
Abington Friends
Gwynedd Mercy vs Memorial (Tex.)Catholic Academies2015
Windermere Prep Tournament
Bonner Prendergast vs Redan (Ga.)Catholic League2015
Daytona Tournament
Baldwin vs Franklin Towne CharterInter-Academic League2015
Abington Friends
Germantown Academy vs Ensworth (Tenn.)Inter-Academic League2015
Naples Holiday Shootout
Nazareth Academy vs HammontonCatholic Academies2015
Wildwood Boardwalk Classic
Academy of the Holy Cross vs Cardinal O'HaraCatholic League2015
Cardinal O'Hara
Kennett vs MuhlenbergBerks Conference, Ches-Mont League2015
Muhlenberg Holiday Tournament
Council Rock North vs Downingtown EastChes-Mont League, Suburban One League2015
Wildwood Boardwalk Classic
Coatesville vs West Chester RustinChes-Mont League2015
West Chester University Tournament
Spring-Ford vs Upper DublinPAC, Suburban One League2015
Upper Dublin Holiday Tournament
Neumann-Goretti vs Long Island LutheranCatholic League2015
Diamond State Classic
Avon Grove vs UnionvilleChes-Mont League2015
Unionville Holiday Tournament
Harry S. Truman vs Penn WoodDel-Val, Suburban One League2015
Penn Wood
West Chester East vs BensalemChes-Mont League, Suburban One League2015
Plymouth-Whitemarsh Holiday Tournament
Great Valley vs Camden Catholic (NJ)Ches-Mont League2015
Wildwood Boardwalk Classic
Perkiomen Valley vs Upper MerionPAC, Suburban One League2015
Upper Merion Holiday Tournament
Pottstown vs WyomissingPAC2015
Central Bucks East vs Seton KeoughSuburban One League2015
Diamond State Classic
Bodine vs Plymouth-WhitemarshSuburban One League2015
Plymouth-Whitemarsh Holiday Tournament
Pottsgrove vs Avon GroveChes-Mont League, PAC2015
Unionville Holiday Tournament
Germantown Academy vs Edgewater (Fla.)Inter-Academic League2015
Naples Holiday Shootout
Great Valley vs Atlantic Christian (NJ)Ches-Mont League2015
Wildwood Boardwalk Classic
Liberty vs UnionvilleChes-Mont League2015
Unionville Holiday Tournament
Exeter vs CocalicoBerks Conference2015
Governor Mifflin vs LebanonBerks Conference2015
Wyomissing vs Daniel BooneBerks Conference2015
Daniel Boone
Reading vs ChesterBerks Conference2015
West Chester Henderson vs Red LionChes-Mont League2015
Red Lion
Pottsville vs HamburgBerks Conference2015
West Chester East vs Great ValleyChes-Mont League2015
Great Valley
Kennett vs WhitehallChes-Mont League2015
Archbishop Ryan vs Saint HubertCatholic League2015
Saint Hubert
Lower Merion vs Garden CityCentral League2015
St. Domonic
Spring-Ford vs Archbishop MolloyOther, PAC2015
Philly vs. New York Challenge (St. Dominic's, N.Y.)
Archbishop Carroll vs. Baldwin (N.Y.)2015
Philly vs. New York Challenge (St. Dominic's, N.Y.)
Penn Charter vs Monsignor Scanlan (N.Y.)Inter-Academic League2015
Philly vs. New York Challenge (St. Dominic's, N.Y.)
Archbishop Wood vs St. Anthony's (N.Y.)Catholic League2015
Philly vs. New York Challenge (St. Dominic's, N.Y.)
Archbishop Ryan vs St. Dominic (N.Y.)Catholic League2015
Philly vs. New York Challenge (St. Dominic's, N.Y.)
Cristo Rey vs BristolBicentennial League2015
Hallahan vs Tacony CharterCatholic League2015
Tacony Charter
Kimberton Waldorf vs Collegium CharterTri-County League2015
Collegium Charter
Delaware Valley Friends vs West-Mont ChristianTri-County League2015
West-Mont Christian
Calvary Baptist vs Sacred HeartCatholic Academies2015
Sacred Heart
Renaissance Academy vs AIM AcademyTri-County League2015
AIM Academy
Pequea Valley vs Twin ValleyBerks Conference2015
Twin Valley
Kutztown vs Harrisburg ChristianBerks Conference2015
Harrisburg Christian
Pottsgrove vs. ChichesterDel-Val, PAC2015
Avon Grove vs PhoenixvilleChes-Mont League, PAC2015
Avon Grove
Phil-Mont Christian vs Lower MorelandBicentennial League2015
Lower Moreland
Germantown Academy vs Agnes IrwinInter-Academic League2015
Agnes Irwin
Penn Charter vs Hill SchoolInter-Academic League, MAPL2015
Hill School
Westtown vs Peddie SchoolFriends School League, MAPL2015
Peddie School
Baldwin vs Springside-Chestnut HillInter-Academic League2015
Springside-Chestnut Hill
St. Basil Academy vs Mount Saint JosephCatholic Academies2015
Mount Saint Joseph
Gwynedd Mercy vs Merion MercyCatholic Academies2015
Merion Mercy
Villa Joseph Marie vs Nazareth AcademyCatholic Academies2015
Nazareth Academy
Villa Maria vs Sacred HeartCatholic Academies2015
Sacred Heart
Episcopal Academy vs Academy of Notre DameInter-Academic League2015
Academy of Notre Dame
Twin Valley vs HamburgBerks Conference2015
Reading vs Governor MifflinBerks Conference2015
Governor Mifflin
Wilson vs MuhlenbergBerks Conference2015
Conrad Weiser vs Schuylkill ValleyBerks Conference2015
Schuylkill Valley
Brandywine Heights vs TulpehockenBerks Conference2015
Oley Valley vs KutztownBerks Conference2015
Wyomissing vs AntietamBerks Conference2015
Bristol vs MaST CharterBicentennial League2015
MaST Charter
Unionville vs OctoraraChes-Mont League2015
Exeter vs Daniel BooneBerks Conference2015
Daniel Boone
Little Flower vs West CatholicCatholic League2015
West Catholic
Fleetwood vs Berks CatholicBerks Conference2015
Berks Catholic
Cheltenham vs Upper MorelandSuburban One League2015
Upper Moreland
Norristown vs WissahickonSuburban One League2015
Plymouth-Whitemarsh vs Springfield-MontcoSuburban One League2015
Upper Dublin vs Upper MerionSuburban One League2015
Upper Merion
Central Bucks East vs QuakertownSuburban One League2015